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Second Language Acquisition, Language Change, Linguistics & Education

Papers on Linguistics in Education

To appear. (with Julie Brittain), Linguistics and Ideology: Response to Mellow 2010. In Native Studies Review 23 (where it has been held hostage since December 2012).

2014.  Language acquisition from a minimalist perspective: Concepts and consequences. In Yukio Otsu, ed., Proceedings of the 14th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 17-42. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo Publishing Company.

2014.  Review of Thomas Purnell, Eric Raimy, & Joseph Salmons, eds., Wisconsin talk: Linguistic diversity in the Badger State. Language 90: 545-548.

2013.  The phonology of invented spelling. In Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini and Robert C. Berwick, ed., Rich languages from poor inputs, 220-226. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.

2012.  Linguistics [revised version]. In Timothy L. Gall and Susan Bevan Gall, ed., The Lincoln library of essential information, 44th Edition. Cleveland OH: Lincoln Library Press.

2012.  Revision and expansion of Kenneth Hale and Lorraine Honie’s 1971 Introduction to the sound system of Navajo. MIT/Navajo Language Academy ms.

2011.  Second language syntax? Letras de Hoje [PUCRS] 46.3: 22-27.

2011.  (with Daniel Ginsberg and Maya Honda), Looking beyond English: Linguistic inquiry for English Language Learners. Language and Linguistics Compass 5: 249-264. For this, see

2010.  (with Maya Honda and David Pippin), On promoting linguistics literacy: Bringing language science to the English classroom. In Kristin Denham and Anne Lobeck, ed., Linguistics at school: Language awareness in primary and secondary education, 175-188. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. For this, see

2010.  Bringing linguistics into the school curriculum: Not one less. In Kristin Denham and Anne Lobeck, ed., Linguistics at school: Language awareness in primary and secondary education, 24-34. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.

2008.  (with Maya Honda and Mary Linn), Developing materials and activities for language teaching. Santa Fe NM: Indigenous Language Institute. [Handbook 2 in the Indigenous Language Institute’s Awakening our Languages Handbook Series.]

2008.  (with Maya Honda), Thinking linguistically. Malden MA and Oxford UK: Blackwell Publishers.

2007.  Project English: Lessons from curriculum reform past. Language and Linguistics Compass 1: 612-623. For this, see

2004.  (with Maya Honda), Understanding first and second language acquisition. Santa Fe NM: Indigenous Language Institute. [Handbook 10 in the Indigenous Language Institute’s Awakening our Languages Handbook Series.]

2001.  The MIT Articulation Project at MIT: A scientific report. In The JST/MIT Mind Articulation Project: The final report, 17-32. Tokyo: Japan Science and Technology.

2001.  Grammar games: Unscrambling Skaldic syntax. In Michael Kenstowicz, ed., Ken Hale: A life in language, 339-354. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press.

2000.  (with Alec Marantz), Mind Articulation. In Alec Marantz, Yasushi Miyashita, and Wayne O’Neil, ed., Image, language, brain: Papers from the First Mind-Articulation Project symposium, 1-9. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press.

2000.  (with David Embick, Alec Marantz, Yasushi Miyashita, and Kuniyoshi L. Sakai), A syntactic specialization for Broca’s area. Publications of the National Academy of Sciences 94: 6150-6154.