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2. News flash

This isn't exactly news, but anyway: The ascii and HTML versions have some of the section headers permuted. This is a feature of the SGML system that the LDP project uses. I can't help it. It even seems that the HTML version like to repeat some of my section headers once in a while - luckily, the contents should be the same. In the GNU info version, you cannot select the section ``(Un)supported drives'', because info thinks that ``(un)'' refers to a file.

version 1.7 (January 28, 1996)

version 1.6.2 (January 23, 1996)

version 1.6.1 (January 16, 1996)

version 1.6 (January 10, 1996)

Since Bas Laarhoven has been over-worked at his for-pay job for some time, he has declined from maintaining ftape. Bas will continue to help with ftape, but from the sideline. Instead, Kai Harrekilde-Petersen <> has picked it up and is currently maintaining it. Since I maintain both the HOWTO and ftape itself, the HOWTO will (continue to) be updated at greatly varying intervals.

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