2012 KT42 Earth flyby video, June 2012.
Annotated time lapse video of Earth encounter by asteroid
2012 KT42 on 29 May 2012. (collaboration with R.P. Binzel and others)
Handmade Swedish flag, June 2012.
(collaboration with MB)
Custom hardshell case for 1978 Fender Musicmaster, May 2012.
Wire-cut foam in a repurposed Fender shell.
Overhaul of Grado SR80 headphones, May 2012.
Replaced aging plastic parts with leather and steel.
Knobby DMX controller, early 2012.
For use with Color Kinetics fixtures. Based on an Arduino Uno.
(collaboration with MF)
Restoration of mutilated 1978 Fender Musicmaster body, 2011.
Replaced missing wood. New bridge, electronics, copper shielding, and hand-made aluminum
pickguard. New high-gain Duncan single-coil at the neck. Refinished with tung oil.
Electric octave mandolin, October 2010.
Converted an inexpensive three-quarter-scale electric guitar into an octave mandolin.
Modified headstock, nut, and bridge to accommodate eight strings.
Refinished neck with tung oil.
New copper shielding.
Magnetic glove, 2010.
(commissioned by NH)
Dome slit positioning camera system, 2010.
For the 0.6 meter telescope at Wallace Observatory in Westford, MA, USA.
Allows the observer to see where the dome slit is without having to climb up to the dome floor.
Also allows the observer to keep an eye on cloud cover.
PICO, 2009.
A set of twelve portable, GPS-synchronized imaging photometer
systems for multi-site observation of stellar occultations.
Last modified 10 June 2013