The Analysis of Verb Agreement in Sign Languages
Dates: August 6-7, 2005
Saturday, 8:30am-5:30pm
Sunday, 8:30am-1:30pm
Location: Harvard, Emerson 108
What is the best way to treat the phenomenon of verbs that participate in agreement in sign languages? Verb agreement is arguably one construction that distinguishes sign languages from spoken languages due to its use of signing space. Examining verb agreement in sign languages in detail helps us understand what belongs to linguistic structure in both spoken and signed languages, and what does not. It helps us understand the universal properties of verb agreement across all sign languages, as well as structural differences between sign languages with respect to verb agreement.
The question will be addressed from several angles:
A) internal structure of agreement within and across sign languages
B) development of agreement systems in emerging sign languages
C) psycholinguistic studies of language acquisition and processing
Diane Lillo-Martin (University of Connecticut)
Gaurav Mathur (Haskins Laboratories)
Christian Rathmann (The University of Texas at Austin)
Invited Speakers:
Mark Aronoff, Irit Meir, Carol Padden, and Wendy Sandler
Shannon Casey
Judy Kegl
Scott Liddell
Gaurav Mathur and Christian Rathmann
Gary Morgan and Bencie Woll
Ronice Müller de Quadros
Ann Senghas
Ted Supalla
Robin Lori Thompson and Karen Emmorey