Enoch Aboh is a researcher at the University of Amsterdam with appointments in the Department of Linguistics and the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication. His research interests include the (micro)comparative syntax of Kwa languages and the Atlantic creoles, in parallel with the (macro)comparative syntax of Kwa, Germanic, and Romance. These research interests feed his other passions, which are language creation and language change. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Geneva, Switzerland in 1998. Since then, he taught courses in syntax, African linguistics, Creole, and English at the University of Geneva (until 2001) and the University of Amsterdam, where he began work as a post-doc in April 2001. Until October 2003, he was involved in the University of Amsterdam and University of Leiden joint project "A trans-Atlantic sprachbund? The structural relationship between the Gbe-languages of West Africa and the Suriname Creole languages," which aimed to identify and account for potential structural relationships between the Surinamese Creoles and the Gbe languages (Kwa). Since November 2003, he has been leading a research program entitled "The typology of focus and topic: A new approach to the discourse-syntax interface." This program investigates the nature of the interface between discourse pragmatics and syntax by studying how focus and topic interact with clause structure and how syntactic rules that drive clause structure and discourse/pragmatic properties interact. It also looks at the study of the peripheries (i.e., D, C, V) cross-linguistically. Selected publications include The Morphosyntax of Complement-head Sequences: Clause Structure and Word Order Patterns in Kwa. Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax ( Oxford University Press); “Left or Right? A view from the Kwa Peripheral Positions,” in Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects (Kluwer); and “Object Shift, Verb Movement and Verb Reduplication,” in Handbook of Syntax (Oxford University Press).
The Syntax of Edges | LSA.132
MW 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | First Session |