Alan Prince teaches linguistics at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He has worked on prosodic structure, prosodic morphology, cognitive science of language (with focus on learning/learnability), and Optimality Theory. In the course of things, he has enjoyed collaborations with some of the most interesting contributors to the linguistic scene, including Mark Liberman, John McCarthy, Steve Pinker, Paul Smolensky, Vieri Samek-Lodovici, and Bruce Tesar. Recent productions include Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar with Smolensky (Blackwell, ROA-537), Entailed Ranking Arguments (ROA-500), and “Anything Goes” (Haraguchi Festschrift, ROA-536).
Optimality Theory | LSA.238
TR 2:55-4:35
Three Week Course | Second Session