Susan Carey is Henry A. Morss Jr. and Elizabeth W. Morss Professor of Psychology at Harvard. She studies conceptual development, as well as the relations between conceptual development, on the one hand, and lexical and semantic development, on the other. She is particularly interested in conceptual change, and has compared conceptual change in childhood with conceptual change over the history of science. Case studies include concepts within intuitive theories of physics and biology, as well as the construction of natural number. In addition, work with infants characterizes prelinguistic representational resources, and one focus of her work concerns the relations between prelinguistic mental representations and the semantics of natural language. Two recent papers relevant to the course are “Individuation of objects and events: A developmental study” in Cognition , 90(2) (with Wagner, L); and “Bootstrapping and the origin of concepts” in Daedalus.
Lexical Development | LSA.118
TR 10:10-11:50
Three Week Course | First Session |