Michael S. Flier is the Oleksandr Potebnja Professor of Ukrainian Philology at Harvard University. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of California, Berkeley in 1964 and 1968. His primary research interests include the phonological and morphological development of East Slavic (Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian), Ukrainian-Russian hybridization (so-called Surzhyk), and the semiotics of medieval East Slavic culture. Publications include Aspects of Nominal Determination in Old Church Slavic (Mouton & Co.); co-editor (with Richard D. Brecht) of Issues in Russian Morphosyntax (UCLA Slavic Studies, Slavica Publishers, Inc.); co-editor (with Alan Timberlake) of The Scope of Slavic Aspect (UCLA Slavic Studies, Slavica Publishers, Inc.); editor of Ukrainian Philology and Linguistics (Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute); and co-editor (with Henning Andersen) and annotator of Francis J. Whitfield, Old Church Slavic Reader (Berkeley Slavic Specialties).
Comparative Slavic Linguistics | LSA.204
MW 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | Second Session |