Yosef Grodzinsky is Professor and Canada Research Chair in Neurolinguistics at the Department of Linguistics, McGill University and a Professor of Psychology at Tel Aviv University. His research interests include neurolinguistics, syntax, aphasic syndromes, and functional neuroimaging. Some recent publications are “The Neurology of Syntax: Language Use without Broca's Area,” in Behavioral and Brain Sciences; (with Michal Ben-Shachar, Talma Hendler, Itamar Kahn, and Dafna Ben-Bashat) “The Neural Reality of Grammatical Transformations: Evidence from fMRI,” in Psychological Science; (with Michal Ben-Shachar and Dafna Palti) “Neural Correlates of Syntactic Movement: Converging Evidence from Two fMRI Experiments,” in NeuroImage; and “A Blueprint for a Brain Map of Syntax,” in Broca's Region (Oxford University Press).
Neurosyntax | LSA.213
TR 10:10-11:50
Three Week Course | Second Session |