Martin Haspelmath is a Senior Researcher in the Linguistics Department of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and an Honorary Professor at the University of Leipzig. After studies in Vienna, Cologne, Buffalo, and Moscow, he received his Ph.D. from the Free University of Berlin in 1993. Before moving to Leipzig in 1998, he held teaching positions in Berlin , Bamberg , and Pavia , and he has previously taught at summer schools in Albuquerque, Mainz, Düsseldorf and Cagliari. His research interests are in comparative, diachronic and theoretical morphology and syntax. He is the author of A Grammar of Lezgian (Mouton de Gruyter), Indefinite Pronouns (Oxford University Press), and a co-editor (with Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie) of the World Atlas of Language Structures (Oxford University Press).
Explaining Syntactic Universals | LSA.206
TR 2:55-4:35
Three Week Course | Second Session |