William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. received his Ph.D. in English from the University of Chicago in 1980 and is the CHA Willson Professor in Humanities at the University of Georgia, where he teaches English and Linguistics. His major publications include (with Clive Upton and Rafal Konopka) The Oxford Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English (Oxford University Press); (with Edgar Schneider) Introduction to Quantitative Analysis of Linguistic Survey Data (Sage Publications); and (with Virginia McDavid, Theodore Lerud, and Ellen Johnson) Handbook of the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States (University of Chicago Press). The primary outlet for his Linguistic Atlas research is the Linguistic Atlas Project Web site, http://us.english.uga.edu. Current work on the Atlas pursues three primary targets: 1) Creation of text-encoding and presentation format for Atlas interviews which will allow for linked text, sound, maps, and analytical information for a wide range of users; 2) Advanced methods of quantitative analysis, including technical geography; and 3) Creation of new field work methods which will support research in speech sciences and NLP as well as linguistic geography and sociolinguistics. These interests branched naturally into corpus linguistics, where he has directed corpus and text encoding activities to study tobacco documents, and text analysis, as shown by his special issue of Language and Literature (vol. 10.2, 2001) on literary dialect analysis with computer assistance. He serves as editor for three Linguistic Atlas projects (LAMSAS, LANCS, LAWS) and a board member for several others; as an executive board member for the international Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Consortium; and as an advisory board member or consultant for various professional journals and dictionaries, including preparation of American pronunciations for the new online Oxford English Dictionary.
Dialectology: Feature-Based Analysis | LSA.205
MW 10:10-11:50
Three Week Course | Second Session |