James McCloskey is affiliated with the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he has been since 1989. Before moving to California, he worked in the Department of (Modern) Irish at University College Dublin and held visiting appointments at MIT and at UC San Diego. He works on theoretical syntax and the syntax of Irish, as well as on a variety of issues at the syntax-semantics interface. He also has a strong interest in the theoretical investigation of non-standard varieties of English. Representative recent publications include “Working on Irish,” GLOT 7.3; “Resumption, Successive Cyclicity, and the Locality of Operations,” in Derivation and Explanation (Blackwell); “On the Distribution of Subject Properties in Irish,” in Objects and Other Subjects (Kluwer); “The Morphosyntax of WH-extraction in Irish,” in Journal of Linguistics; and “Quantifier Float and Wh-Movement in an Irish English,” in Linguistic Inquiry.
Irish and the Theory of Syntax | LSA.114
TR 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | First Session