Alan J. Nussbaum Professor of Classics and Linguistics at Cornell University, has a Diploma in Comparative Philology from Oxford University and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Harvard University. His research is in (1) Indo-European linguistics (especially the inflectional and derivational morphology and derivational semantics of nominal forms in the reconstructed protolanguage) and (2) Greek and Latin historical and comparative linguistics (especially Latin phonology and morphology, the Italic dialects, Greek phonology and morphology, and Homeric language). His two major publications are Head and Horn in Indo-European (de Gruyter 1986) and Two Studies in Greek and Homeric Linguistics (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1998).
Topics in Indo-European Nominal Morphology | LSA.231
TR 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | Second Session