Maria Polinsky is Professor in the Department of Linguistics, University of California at San Diego. Her research interests include language universals and their explanation, comparative syntactic theory, the expression of information structure in natural language, incomplete acquisition (heritage languages), Austronesian languages (esp. Malagasy, Maori), and languages of the Caucasus (esp. Tsez, Kabardian). Some recent publications are (with Eric Potsdam) “Long-Distance Agreement and Topic in Tsez,” Natural Language and Linguistic Theory; (with Eric Potsdam) “Backward Control,” Linguistic Inquiry; (edited with John Moore) The Nature of Explanation in Linguistic Theory (CSLI); and “Word Class Distinctions in an Incomplete Grammar,” in Perspectives on Language and Language Development (Kluwer).
Language Universals
and Grammatical Theory: From Generalizations to Explanation
| LSA.116
MW 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | First Session
Office Hours
Week 1: Thursday 9-10am
Weeks 2 and 3: Tuesday 9-10 am