Raffaella Zannuttini received her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1991 and is currently Associate Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University. Her main interests lie in syntactic theory and the syntax/semantics interface. She has worked extensively on the syntax of sentential negation, where her micro-comparative work studied a wide range of Romance varieties; she continues to work on Italian dialects, focusing on the syntax of the left periphery. Recently, in joint work with Paul Portner, she has been concerned with giving precise theoretical content to the notion of clause types. This line of research first led to a semantic and syntactic characterization of exclamative clauses; currently, with the support of an NSF grant, it is investigating the syntax and semantics of imperative clauses. Recent publications include (with Paul Portner) “Exclamative Clauses: At the Syntax-Semantics Interface,” in Language; (with Cecilia Poletto) “Making Imperatives: Evidence from Central Rhaeto-Romance,” in The Syntax of Italian Dialects (Oxford University Press); and Negation and Clausal Structure: A Comparative Study of Romance Languages (Oxford University Press).
Clause Typing: From Syntax to Discourse Semantics | LSA.203
with Paul Portner
MW 1:00-2:40
Three Week Course | Second Session |