The Jenga Pistol is a project that I took on the summer of my Freshman year at MIT. As a MechE, I wanted to design and build something cool. I was looking around on YouTube and I saw a man by the name of Matthias Wandel showing off a device he created called the Jenga Pistol. Several people try to carefully push the Jenga blocks out. However, because of inertia, it is really best to knock the blocks out quickly; it has the same effect as pulling a tablecloth from a table. The Jenga Pistol is powered by a rubber band and it successfully knocks out the Jenga blocks. Based on a couple of pictures on his website, I reverse engineered the device and made it on my own. I designed it in Solidworks and made it in the Hobby Shop. I had to learn how to use nearly every woodworking machine in the Shop to make all of the intricate cuts and shapes. As such, it took me a while to make. All in all, I’d say it took about 2 months. It’s one of the devices of which I’m the most proud.