Manoli's Shades of White - Weekends spent Skiing

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Vermont (winter 2000)

So here come the pictures from the ski trip! See Pooh go up the ski lifts, jump down the mountain, or get beat-up by a group of 14 year old girls! See Cara and Micha karaoke surrounded by topless men. Late-night hangouts at the cabins, group hugs in the lodge, eating, drinking, dancing, dipping, and occasionally a few skiing pictures. Some pictures from the trip are missing on the webpage (out-of-focus, out-of-aim, or most probably censured. Email me if you're looking for a picture i haven't included on this webpage.

Watchusett (Winter 98)

The Observatory of Massachussetts, as Thoreau called it, Wachusett Mountain is the closest ski resort one could hope for in Massachussetts. That makes it the ideal place to organize a ski outing, as I did in January 98. Fourty of us gathered on a saturday morning, and drove the hour distance that led us to the mountain. There, to our surprise, a Toon Weekend was awaiting!!


lodge covered tim snowing surfing pooh poohhug eating eating2 french white color tpp girlhug grouphug rachel piste maxime suntrees whitemountains sunny poohabove white_snow sun_beams madonna2 jump_surf jump_ski jump_pooh lift_pooh landscape california beatup beatdown recover goats madonna cold experts_only tree_path double_spoon drinkitup restaurant


toons lift mariaa mountainview six four maria bumps climbing ewa sun musqueteers trees ice_sculptures parking hug
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