Manoli's Shades of Green - A Weekend in Yosemite

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My roomates and I spent an entire weekend up in Yosemite National Park along with some people from work and other friends. We slept á la belle étoile dragging our sleeping bags out of the tent and by the waterfront, where we counted starts until midnight, when we went for a swim in the warm water of the lake under the full moon. The next morning I waterskied for the first time of my life, with amazingly successful results! For the rest of the time, we were hiking up in the rocks, driving around the mountains and counting from how many spots we could see the Half Dome, studying different rock formations, and occasionally jumping in a freezing lake and swimming around for 10 minutes until hypothermia invades arms and legs.

reflection snow frozenlake squirrel halfdome halfdome2 halfdome3 valley vertical vertical2 falls2 dreaming pillows
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