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      Module 1: Acoustics and Culture in Mesoamerica: Metal and Sound



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Professor Dorothy Hosler
Professor Samuel Allen

Monday June 7, 2004

Reading assignment in preparation for lecture:
The Sounds and Colors of Power** by Dorothy Hosler, Chapters 1 and 2

** Each SIMSMC participant will receive a copy of this book at the reception on Sunday, June 6

Lecture 8:30-11:30 am

West Mexican metallurgy: a case study (Prof. Hosler)
- The perspective and the region
- Materials processing/engineering and scientific achievements predating metallurgy
(Olmec, Maya, Teotihuacan)
- First evidence for metallurgy
- Presence and distribution of native metals and ores in metalworking zone

Fundamentals of metallurgy I (Prof. Allen)
- Characteristics of the metallic state
- Copper and copper-alloy metal production
Reduction of oxide and sulfide ores
Methods to make metallic objects into particular shapes

Laboratory 1:00-5:00 pm

Introduction to Mesoamerican bell designs and bell-making techniques (Prof. Hosler), Rm. 16-536

Introduction to lost-wax casting with demonstration (Mr. Bashaw), Rm. 8-014

Carving of ceramic bell cores (SIMSMC Participants), Rm. 8-014


Tuesday June 8, 2004

Reading assignment in preparation for lecture: The Sounds and Colors of Power, Chapters 3 and 4

Lecture 8:30-11:30 am

Fundamentals of metallurgy II (Prof. Allen)
- Crystals and crystal imperfections
- Metal casting
- Deformation processing and mechanical properties

Period 1 metallurgy (Prof. Hosler)
- The appearance of metalworking in western Mexico
- Sites, artifacts, and manufacturing regimes
- Lost wax cast bells, cold worked tools
- The cultural interest in sound

Laboratory 1:00-5:00 pm

(SIMSMC participants in two groups)

A Session: Wax-model construction of bells (building up wax on carved cores) (Mr. Bashaw),
Rm. 8-014

B Session: Smelting of copper from malachite ore (Prof. Allen), Rm. 4-003


Wednesday June 9, 2004

Reading assignment in preparation for lecture: The Sounds and Colors of Power, Chapters 5 and 6

Lecture 8:30-11:30 am

Metallic alloys (Prof. Allen)
- Cu-Ag, Cu-Sn, and Cu-As alloys
Phase diagrams and microstructure
Effect of alloying on properties

The introduction of metallurgy from South America: the evidence (Prof. Hosler)
- Colombia: copper bells design and manufacturing regimes
- Ecuador, northern Peru: copper hand tools: design and manufacturing regimes
- West Mexico: bells, tools, birds, and balsa rafts

Laboratory 1:00-5:00 pm

(SIMSMC participants in two groups)

A Session: Adding wax sprues and vents to wax model and investment of wax assembly in ceramic slurry (Mr. Bashaw), Rm. 8-014

B Session: Metallography of cast and worked structures of copper and copper-alloy artifacts
(Prof. Hosler), Rm. 16-536


Thursday June 10, 2004

Reading assignment in preparation for lecture: The Sounds and Colors of Power, Chapter 6

Lecture 8:30-11:30 am

Period 2 Mexican metallurgy AD 1200/1300-1520 (Prof. Hosler)
- Mexican bell and tool design modification/optimization and the use of Cu-Sn and Cu-As alloys
- Axe money, and Cu-Ag alloys
- The west Mexican reinterpretation of Andean precepts
- The cultural interest in color

Bell acoustics (Prof. Allen)
- Physics of sound
- Bell geometry and pitch
- Bell design, composition, and sound quality

Laboratory 1:00-5:00 pm

(SIMSMC participants in two groups)

A Session: Bell casting and removal of bells from mold material (Mr. Bashaw), Rm. 4-003

B Session: Measurement of bell acoustics (Mr. Bono), Rm. 8-107


Friday June 11, 2004

Reading assignment in preparation for lecture: The Sounds and Colors of Power, Chapter 8

Lecture 8:30-11:30am

Sound, color, and meaning in west Mexican metallurgy (Prof. Hosler)

Modern bell-production technology: Materials and processes (Prof. Allen)

Laboratory 1:00-5:00 pm

Bell finishing: sprue and vent removal; polishing (Mr. Bashaw), Rm. 4-003

Acoustic measurements of cast bells (Mr. Bono), Rm. 8-107


Preparation of wax bell for lost-wax casting


Pouring molten metal into bell mold