20 Master Plot Exercises
- EXERCISE: 20 Master Plots -- Part 1!
- EXERCISE: Plot #1: Quest: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #2: Adventure: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #3: Pursuit: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #4: Rescue: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #5: Escape: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #6: Revenge: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #7: The Riddle: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #8: Rivalry: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #9: Underdog: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #10: Temptation: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #11: Metamorphosis: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #12: Transformation: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #13: Maturation: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #14: Love: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #15: Forbidden Love: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #16: Sacrifice: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #17: Discovery: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #18: Wretched Excess: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Plot #19+#20: Ascension &
Descension: 20 Master Plots
- EXERCISE: Finishing Up: 20 Master Plots
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