The Discover Mechanical Engineering program would not be possible without the help and aid from the following sponsors:
MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering - The Mechanical Engineering department is obviously our raison d'etre (reason for existence) and is greatly responsible for the continued existence of DME. Thank you!
Pappalardo Lab - For giving us the lab space and access to build these Soccerbots
Past Sponsors
Pololu Robotics and Electronics - The main resource for the parts and components used in the 2009 DME program.
K'Nex - This company's generosity allowed us to provide a design element in DME. They make great gifts, too!
Pi Tau Sigma - Pi Tau Sigma is the Mechanical Engineering Honor Society and was the student group sponsoring DME. This society offers tutoring for Course 2, organizes study breaks, and distributes course evaluations at the end of term.
John and Diana Appleton - Absolutely fantastic people whose magnanimous contributions allow us to exist another year. We are incredibly grateful.
The D'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in MIT Education - This fund helped us a lot in our fledging runs. Thanks!