effective design of the Physical Markup Language must
balance a myriad of competing design issues and constraints.
Since we have essentially eliminated most of the information
and structure on the tagged object, all the complexity
of description has moved to the networked database.
Issues such as syntax, data types, complexity, extensibility,
security, application domains, units of measure and
more, must be weighted to effective achieve the objectives
set out for the language.
In the following sections, we will consider a variety
of design issues, key assumptions and other considerations
in the formation of the PML. This is in not an exhaustive
list, but a starting point in the language design.
must remember numerous languages and standards have
developed in the past, yet few see wide spread adoption.
We wish to avoid the pitfalls of the past, and develop
a standard, which is simple, convenient and effective.
The objective the Physical Markup Language is to be
a universal standard for describing physical objects,
processes and environments. Clearly given the broad
scope of this objective, the language cannot be overly
detailed or specific. In the classic choice between
depth and breath, the proposed PML will lean toward
a more general standard, rather than industry specific
There are number of reasons for this decision. First,
a broad language will address the largest number of
industries. Second, software developed for the language
will have the greatest potential market. The quality
and capability of the code will likely be superior to
any specific implementation. This is analogous to Web
browsers, such as AOL's Netscape™ or Microsoft's
Internet Explorer™, both of which are generally
superior to similar applications targeted for specific
industries. The more generic software also tends to
be more robust and less expensive than focused applications.
Third, physical objects and systems do indeed have common,
underlying characteristics. Since most physical objects
of interest to industry and commerce are those designed
and built by humans, they tend to have shared features,
such as shape, symmetry, materials and function, as
well as business processes, ownership and transaction.
Furthermore, many industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing,
defense, logistics, transportation, disposal and many
others, describe similar characteristics in different
ways. By offering a unifying language, these characteristics
can be shared and translated across industry groups,
multiplying the amount of available information. Automated,
industry specific translators may be written allowing
the shared information to be presented in familiar ways.
Finally, a broad descriptive language will encourage
a greater degree of industry cooperation and facilitate
information sharing for mutual benefit. Often data,
such as between a retailer and supplier, are not available
simply because of lack of standards.
Many standards are not adopted because of their inherent
complexity and steep learning curves involved in acquisition
and implementation. Although the Standard General Markup
Language (SGML) has existed for many years, it has not
seen wide spread adoption in part because of its size
and complexity [ref].
Its derivative, the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),
has, of course, seen phenomenal growth, in part because
of its simplicity and because of the tools and viewers
available for the standard [ref]. The Extensible Markup
Language (XML), also based on the Standard General Markup
Language, has seen increasing growth as a tool for tagging
data content [ref]. The XML is a simple subset of the
larger SGML and is readily accessible to the casual
Thus complex standards and languages - even though powerful
and effective - have slow learning curves and limited
audiences than smaller, simple languages. Therefore,
even though the initial PML may be limited in scope,
we propose a relatively simple language easily understood
and adopted by a larger population.
Adoption pathway
Rather than a monolithic, immutable standard, we will
assume the Physical Markup Language will proceed through
a number of iterations. In fact, rather than a deficiency,
this process can be advantageous. While a simple standard
is being learned and adopted, modifications and extensions
can be developed. In this way familiarity with the language
can proceed along with its capability. In fact, this
process may be necessary, since a complex language would
not be learned and a simple language would not be sufficient.
Although the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) was a
simple language and easily understood, it was, in its
initial version, quite limited in scope and in power.
Multiple versions and extensions followed once the significance
and utility of the language were understood. Extensions,
such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Dynamic HTML,
Flash Media and so on, were added to the basic capability.
In the same way, we intend the initial PML specification
to be limited in depth and power. By design, we will
incrementally introduce extensions to increase its scope
and functionality.
Comprehensive data types
We may consider the Physical Markup Language to have
different 'types' of data - static, temporal, dynamic
and algorithmic. These types will not be defined explicitly
in the specification, but are useful distinctions when
discussing the language.
Static data is information, which essentially remains
constant through the life of the object, such as material
composition, geometry and physical properties.
Temporal data is that information which changes discreetly
and intermittently throughout an object's life. These
may include configuration or location. For example,
the location of an object on a shelf or whether a part
is attached to an assembly, are examples of this type
of data. These data must be associated with a time and
duration to record the temporal configuration of the
Dynamic data is information that varies continuously.
The temperature of a shipment of fruit or an EKG from
a heart monitor are examples of dynamic data. Unlike
most database systems these data must be cached and
transmitted intermittently to limit the network bandwidth
and to provide only the most relevant and necessary
Finally, algorithmic data includes simulation models,
system processes and software associate with a physical
object. Not all physical properties can be described
by a simple number. For example, the expiration data
on a perishable item may be a complex calculation involving
temperature history, humidity and ambient light. Cooking
instructions could be another example. Heating profiles
depend on personal preference, food type and quantity,
atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature and oven type.
These designations - static, temporal, dynamic and algorithmic
- are simple different views of the same data. A static
description such as the shape of a glass would be temporal
if it hit the floor. The variation of viewpoint just
depends of time scale and complexity of description.
Therefore, we will allow time variation on all data
Abstract nomenclature
Clearly if we hope for a broad application of this language,
we cannot expect familiar names for all physical properties.
For example, "harvest time" for produce or
"assembly time" for an automobile, may be
replaced by a more generic "configuration"
plus "timestamp." Generally, we will use abstract
names to describe a wider range of physical systems
and processes, rather than industry specific descriptions.
Why use abstract notation? The answer is - when we consider
the primary objective of the language - to provide a
convenient, high-level description for software and
application development. More generic terms allow more
powerful, general-purpose software to analysis similar
configurations independent of industry specific nomenclature.
Robust operation
Unlike most Web pages, PML files will be much more dynamic
and have a greater degree of connection to other network
files and data streams. Object position, physical state
and material descriptions will likely be in multiple
data files scattered over the network. General physical
properties, such as material and chemical information,
will likely be stored in common repositories. Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are good examples of this
type of data.
The PML language, together with associated tools and
applications, will have to operate robustly with incomplete
and intermittent information. Its operation may be similar
to streaming image systems do today.
Facilitate data archives
Although Web pages change frequently, PML data files
will change even more rapidly. History files and efficient
archiving will therefore be critical important. The
temperature history of a perishable item, administration
of drug or stress on structure must be carefully recorded
and maintained.
The PML data format will have to provide simple and
convenient methods for associating time with data and
for denoting periodic and continuous data.
Standard units of measure
For much of recorded history, physical states of matter
have been compared to known references. From cubits
to nanometers from stones to dekagrams, multiples of
common standards provide the means of communicating
physical properties. A difficulty arises when different
countries, groups, organizations and people use different
and competing standards.
Our desire for the Physical Markup Language to be a
global standard must be weighed against the utility
and convenience for the user. In particular we must
decide on a method for recording data and units, and
converting it from one system to another as necessary.
Fundamental physical properties of matter - length,
mass, time, force, velocity, density, magnetic field,
luminosity and temperature - must be described precisely
to be communicated effectively. Many physical properties
are not independent. Speed, for example, is the ratio
of length to time. Certain quantities must be selected
as fundamental, while others derived.
Fortunately, these issues have been resolved by standards
bodies, such as the International Bureau of Weights
and Measures (Le Système International d'Unités
- SI) in conjunction with others such as the National
Institute of Standards and Technology in the United
States. The seven quantities selected as the basis of
the International System of Units, abbreviated SI, were
selected, and are shown in TABLE 1. Furthermore, all
other units can be described by multiples or ratios
of these units. Pressure, for example, is given by m-1
· kg · s-2. Finally, names for common
combinations, such as Pascals for the pressure given
above, are provided under the SI system.
Although the above discussion is fine for scientific
precision of weights and measures, we have the practical
problem describing physical properties in the multiple
common systems people use today. Considering the options,
we may allow PML to use any standard - International
System, British or other. We may also allow any designation
of unit, such as "kilograms," "kgs"
or "Kg." This makes the creation of PML files
easy, since any standard of measure written in any language
and with any abbreviation may be used. The software
tools that must process these data files, however, must
be complex, since they must recognize and translate
any arbitrary designations.
On the other hand, if we rigidly dictate a particular
standard in a single language, we have difficulty in
readability and usage. Each PML application must translate
units into their common, local standards. In the whole,
translating from a known standard to another is easier
then converting from an unknown, arbitrary language.
From this reason, it seems likely PML will adopt a single
system for weights and measures, with particular designations,
and rely on the software tools to provide common translations.
Furthermore, common translation software can be accessed
and shared from the network. This creates smaller, more
easily understood data files, which are precise and
accessible. Further, we will rely on the years of effort
by the many standards bodies to prescribe these systems.
Fundamental and derived data
Many schemes used to store information include redundant
and derived data. As much as possible, the PML language
should not provide any data that can be calculated or
inferred from other data. Unit conversion for example
may be computed by a client application, remote server,
or perhaps by a dedicated conversion/computation system.
Standard Syntax
Rather than reinvent a new syntax for the Physical Markup
Language, we propose to use the extensible Markup Language
(XML). Although different syntactic representations
could be used, XML has been well defined and in general
use as a simple method for embedded meta-data in flexible
database structures.
Furthermore, the extensions, such as the XML Query specification,
provide a uniform and simple method for accessing data
through Simple Query Language (SQL) notation [ref].
In addition, general utilities, tools and validation
software exist to parse, modify and access XML files.
The Physical Markup Language (PML) will therefore be
- at least initially - an XML scheme, described in any
of the common schema languages, such as the Document
Type Declaration (DTD), Resource Description Framework
(RDF) and others [ref].
Global language
As with current trends in standards development and
network languages, we will attempt to craft PML as a
global standard and avoid national terms and descriptions.
We will rely on existing standards bodies, such as the
Uniform Code Council (UCC), the European Article Number
(EAN) Association, the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) and the International Standards Organization
(ISO), as well as commercial consortium and industry
groups, to aid in the definition of the language.
Facilitate application development
One of the primary purposes of the Physical Markup Language
is to facilitate the development of software applications.
Therefore, we must design PML with consideration for
the needs and requirements of application programmer.
Almost all the issues discussed so far relate to this
objective. Widely adopted, simple languages encourage
application development and ease the programming task.
Extensions and enhancements to an established language
will be paralleled by modifications to existing code.
Simple, unambiguous nomenclature reduces the complexity
of the PML parser and uniform units for weights and
measures ease the burden of software translators. Finally,
common, globally accepted syntax, such as XML, together
with software libraries, such as the JAVA DOM and SAX
packages, provide useful tools for the software developer
The design of the Physical Markup Language will accommodate
the application developer and provide the systems and
tools to facilitate their efforts. As future versions
of the PML become available, we will streamline the
semantics to speed software upgrades and new applications.