

fasta-get-markov [options] [sequence file] [background file]


The program fasta-get-markov estimates a Markov model from a FASTA file of sequences. It ignores (removes) ambiguous characters before computing the model. The model is based on both strands when using a complementable alphabet unless you specify -norc.


Sequences in FASTA format from standard input or optionally specified as a file.


Writes a Markov background model to standard output or optionally to a file.


Option Parameter Description Default Behaviour
General Options
-mn Use a Markov model of n-order. A 0-order Markov model is used.
-alphalphabet file Use the specified custom alphabet. Autodetect DNA or protein alphabet.
-dna  Use DNA alphabet. Autodetect DNA, protein or RNA alphabet.
-protein  Use protein alphabet. Autodetect DNA, protein or RNA alphabet.
-rna  Use RNA alphabet. Autodetect DNA, protein or RNA alphabet.
-full  Use full list of seen symbols as the alphabet. Autodetect DNA or protein alphabet.
-counts  Output counts instead of probabilities and skip writing entries with no counts. Options -norc and -pseudo are ignored. Output probabilities as normal.
-norc  Do not combine forward and reverse complement frequencies for complementable alphabets.
-pseudocount Pseudocount added to avoid probabilities of zero. Adds a pseudocount of 0.1.
-nostatus  Do not display progress messages to standard error. Displays a progress message every half a second.
-nosummary  Do not display a summary report after completion even when a output background file is specified. Display a summary report to standard output after the program has finished when a output background file has been specified.
-help  Print a help message and exit. Runs as normal.