, #
, $
, %
, &
, >
, <
, (
, *
, +
, -
, .
, /
, :
, =
, A
, B
, C
, D
, E
, F
, G
, H
, I
, J
, K
, L
, M
, N
, O
, P
, Q
, R
, S
, T
, U
, V
, W
, X
, Z
, [
, ^
, |
, ~
!, 1
!=, 1
#, preprocessor stringize operator, 1
#define, 1, 2, 3, 4
#endif, 1, 2
#ifdef, 1, 2
#ifndef, 1
#include , 1
#undef, 1
$<, in makefiles, 1
%, 1
&, 1, 2
&&, logical and, 1, 2
&, bitwise and, 1
&= bitwise, 1
>, 1
- >>, 1
- iostreams
- operator, 1
overloading, 1
>>=, 1
>=, 1
<, 1
- <<, 1
- overloading for iostreams, 1
<<=, 1
<=, 1
( ), overloading the function call operator, 1
- *, 1
- overloaded operator, 1, 2
pointer dereference, 1
- +, 1, 2
- with pointers, 1
- ++, 1
- with pointers, 1
-, 1, 2
- ->
- overloading the smart pointer operator, 1
struct member selection via pointer, 1
->*, overloading, 1
-, with pointers, 1
--, 1
--, with pointers, 1
. member selection operator, 1
- ... variable argument list, 1
- varargs, 1
/, 1
: ternary if-else, 1
- ::, 1, 2
- scope resolution operator, and namespaces, 1
- =, 1
- operator
- as a private function, 1
automatic creation, 1
operator, as a private function, 1
overloading, 1
==, 1, 2
abort( ), 1
- abstract
- base classes and pure virtual functions, 1
data type, 1, 2
abstraction, 1
- access
- control, 1
- run-time, 1
function, 1
- specifiers, 1, 2
- and object layout, 1
order for, 1
accessors, 1
actor, in use cases, 1
addition (+), 1
- address
- const, 1
each object must have a unique address, 1
element, 1
function, 1, 2
memory, 1
object, 1
pass as const references, 1
passing and returning with const, 1
struct object, 1
address-of (&), 1
- aggregate, 1
- const aggregates, 1
- initialization, 1, 2
- and structures, 1
aggregation, 1
algorithms, Standard C++ Library, 1
- aliasing
- namespace, 1
solving with reference counting and copy-on-write, 1
Allison, Chuck, 1, 2, 3
- allocation
- dynamic memory allocation, 1, 2
memory, and efficiency, 1
storage, 1
alternate linkage specification, 1
- ambiguity, 1
- during automatic type conversion, 1
with namespaces, 1
- analysis
- and design, object-oriented, 1
paralysis, 1
requirements analysis, 1
- and
- & bitwise, 1, 2
&& logical, 1, 2
&& logical and, 1
and_eq, &= (bitwise and-assignment), 1
anonymous union, 1
ANSI Standard C++, 1
argc, 1
- arguments
- argument-passing guidelines, 1
command line, 1, 2
const, 1
constructor, 1
- default, 1, 2, 3
- argument as a flag, 1
destructor, 1
empty argument list, C vs. C++, 1
function, 1, 2
indeterminate list, 1
macro, 1
mnemonic names , 1
name decoration, 1
overloading vs. default arguments, 1
passing, 1
placeholder, 1
preferred approach to argument passing, 1
references, 1
return values, operator overloading, 1
trailing and defaults, 1
unnamed, 1
variable argument list, 1, 2
without identifiers, 1
argv, 1
arithmetic, pointer, 1
- array, 1
- automatic counting, 1
bounds-checked, using templates, 1
calculating size, 1
definition, limitations, 1
indexing, overloaded operator [], 1
initializing to zero, 1
inside a class, 1
making a pointer look like an array, 1
new & delete, 1
of pointers, 1
of pointers to functions , 1
off-by-one error, 1
overloading new and delete for arrays, 1
pointers and, 1
static, 1
static initialization, 1
asctime( ), 1
- assembly-language
- asm in-line assembly-language keyword, 1
code for a function call, 1
code generated by a virtual function, 1
- assert( )
- macro in Standard C, 1
- assert( )
- macro in Standard C, 1, 2
- assignment, 1, 2
- disallowing, 1
memberwise, 1, 2
operator, 1
overloading, 1
pointer, const and non-const, 1
self-assignment in operator overloading, 1
- assure( ), 1
- from require.h, 1
atexit( ), 1
atof( ), 1, 2
atoi( ), 1
atol( ), 1
auto keyword, 1, 2
auto-decrement operator, 1
auto-increment operator, 1, 2
- automatic
- counting, and arrays, 1
creation of operator=, 1
destructor calls, 1
- type conversion, 1, 2
- pitfalls, 1
preventing with the keyword explicit, 1
variable, 1, 2, 3
backslash, 1
backspace, 1
bad_alloc, 1
- base
- abstract base classes and pure virtual functions, 1
base-class interface, 1
fragile base-class problem, 1
types, 1
virtual keyword in derived-class declarations, 1
basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP), 1
BASIC language, 1, 2
Beck, Kent, 1
behavior, 1
- binary operators, 1
- examples of all overloaded, 1
overloaded, 1
- binding
- dynamic binding, 1
early, 1, 2
function call binding, 1, 2
late, 1, 2
run-time binding, 1
bit bucket, 1
bit-shifting, 1
bitand, & (bitwise and), 1
bitcopy, 1
bitcopy, vs. initialization, 1
bitor, | (bitwise or), 1
- bitwise
- and operator &, 1, 2
const, 1
exclusive-or, xor ^, 1
explicit bitwise and logical operators, 1
not ~, 1
operators, 1
or operator |, 1, 2
bloat, code, 1
- block
- access, 1
and storage allocation, 1
definition, 1
Booch, Grady, 1
- book
- design & production, 1
errors, reporting, 1
bool, 1, 2
- Boolean, 1, 2, 3
- algebra, 1
and floating point, 1
bool, true and false, 1
bounds-checked array, with templates, 1
break, keyword, 1
bucket, bit, 1
- bugs
- common pitfalls with operators, 1
finding, 1
from casts, 1
with temporaries, 1
- built-in type, 1
- basic, 1
initializer for a static variable , 1
- pseudoconstructor
- calls for, 1
form for built-in types, 1
byte, 1
- C, 1
- #define, 1
backward compatibility, 1
C programmers learning C++, 1
C++ compatibility, 1
compiling with C++, 1
concepts, 1
const, 1
converting from C to C++, 1, 2
difference with C++ when defining variables, 1
empty argument list, C vs. C++, 1
finding problems in old code, 1
function library, 1
fundamentals, 1
heap, 1
hole in the type system, via void*, 1
ISO Standard C, 1
libraries, 1, 2
linkage, 1
linking compiled C code with C++, 1
name collisions, 1
operators and their use, 1
passing and returning variables by value, 1
pitfalls, 1
preprocessor, 1
safety hole during linking, 1
- Standard library function
- abort( ), 1
atexit( ), 1
exit( ), 1
Thinking in C CD ROM, 1
- C++
- automatic typedef for struct and class, 1
C compatibility, 1
C programmers learning C++, 1
cfront, original C++ compiler, 1
compiling C, 1
converting from C to C++, 1, 2
data, 1
difference with C when defining variables, 1
efficiency, 1
empty argument list, C vs. C++, 1
explicit casts, 1
finding C errors by recompiling in C++, 1
first program, 1
GNU Compiler, 1
hybrid object-oriented language, and friend, 1
implicit structure address passing, 1
linking compiled C code with C++, 1
major language features, 1
meaning of the language name, 1
object-based C++, 1
one definition rule, 1
operators and their use, 1
programming guidelines, 1
Standard C++, 1
Standards Committee, 1
strategies for transition to, 1
stricter type checking, 1
strongly typed language, 1
why it succeeds, 1
c-v qualifier, 1
calculating array size, 1
CALL, assembly-language, 1
calling a member function for an object , 1
calloc( ), 1, 2, 3
Carolan, John, 1
Carroll, Lewis, 1
case, 1
cassert standard header file, 1
- cast, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- C++ explicit casts, 1
casting away constness, 1
casting void pointers, 1
const_cast, 1
explicit cast for upcasting, 1
explicit keyword, 1
operators, 1
pointer assignment, 1
reinterpret cast, 1
static_cast, 1
cat, Cheshire, 1
catch clauses, 1
- seminars on CD-ROM from MindView, 1
Thinking in C, Foundations for Java & C++ (packaged with book), 1, 2, 3
cfront, original C++ compiler, 1
chapter overviews, 1
- char, 1, 2, 3
- sizeof, 1
- character, 1
- array literals, 1
character array concatenation, 1
constants, 1
characteristics, 1
check for self-assignment in operator overloading, 1
Cheshire cat, 1
cin, 1
clashes, name, 1
- class, 1, 2, 3
- abstract base classes and pure virtual functions, 1
adding new virtual functions in the derived class, 1
aggregate initialization, 1
class definition and inline functions, 1
compile-time constants inside, 1, 2, 3
composition, and copy-constructor, 1
const and enum in, 1
container class templates and virtual functions, 1
creators, 1
- declaration, 1
- of a nested friend class, 1
defining the interface, 1
definition, 1
difference between a union and a class, 1
duplicate class definitions and templates, 1
fragile base-class problem, 1
generated by macro, 1
generated classes for templates, 1
handle class, 1
- inheritance
- and copy-constructor, 1
diagrams, 1
initialization, memberwise, 1
instance of, 1
keyword, 1
local, 1
- nested, 1
- iterator, 1, 2
overloading new and delete for a class, 1
pointers in, and overloading operator=, 1
static class objects inside functions, 1
static data members, 1
static member functions, 1
templates, 1
using const with, 1
class-responsibility-collaboration (CRC) cards, 1
- cleanup, 1, 2
- automatic destructor calls with inheritance and composition, 1
initialization and cleanup on the heap, 1
client programmer, 1, 2
- code
- source availability, 1
table-driven, 1
assembly for a function call, 1
bloat, 1
comment tags in listings, 1
consulting, mentoring, and design and code walkthroughs from MindView, 1
generator, 1
- organization, 1
- header files, 1
program structure when writing code, 1
re-use, 1
collection, 1, 2
collector, garbage, 1
collision, linker, 1
comma operator, 1, 2
- command line, 1
- arguments, 1
- comment tag
- for linking, 1
in source-code listings, 1
comments, makefile, 1
committee, C++ Standards, 1
common interface, 1
compaction, heap, 1
- compatibility
- C & C++, 1
with C, 1
- compilation
- needless, 1
process, 1
separate, 1
separate, and make, 1
compile time constants, 1
- compiler, 1, 2
- creating default constructor, 1
original C++ compiler cfront, 1
running, 1
support, 1
compiling C with C++, 1
compl, ~ ones complement, 1
- complicated
- declarations & definitions, 1
expressions, and operator overloading, 1
- composite
- array, 1
type creation, 1
- composition, 1, 2, 3
- combining composition & inheritance, 1
copy-constructor, 1
member object initialization, 1
vs. inheritance, 1, 2, 3
concatenation, character array, 1
concept, high, 1
conditional operator, 1
conditional, in for loop, 1
- const, 1, 2
- address of, 1
aggregates, 1
casting away, 1
character array literals, 1
compile-time constants in classes, 1
const reference function arguments, 1
correctness, 1
enum in classes, 1
evaluation point of, 1
extern, 1
function arguments and return values, 1
in C, 1
initializing data members, 1
logical, 1
- member function, 1
- and objects, 1
mutable, 1
pass addresses as const references, 1
pointer to const, 1
pointers, 1
- reference, 1, 2
- and operator overloading, 1
- return by value as const, 1
- and operator overloading, 1
safety, 1
temporaries are automatically const, 1
- constant, 1
- character, 1
- compile-time, 1
- inside classes, 1
folding, 1, 2
named, 1
templates, constants in, 1
values, 1
- constructor, 1, 2, 3, 4
- arguments, 1
automatic type conversion, 1
behavior of virtual functions inside constructors, 1
- copy-constructor, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- alternatives to, 1
vs. operator=, 1
creating a new object from an existing object, 1
- default, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- inheritance, 1
synthesized by the compiler, 1
doesn’t automatically inherit, 1
efficiency, 1
global object, 1
initialization and cleanup on the heap, 1
- initializer list, 1, 2, 3
- pseudoconstructors, 1
inline, 1
installing the VPTR, 1
memberwise initialization, 1
name, 1
new operator, memory exhaustion, 1
order of construction with inheritance, 1
- order of constructor calls, 1
- and destructor calls, 1
overloading, 1, 2
private, 1
pseudo-constructor, 1
return value, 1
tracking creations and destructions, 1
virtual functions & constructors, 1
const_cast, 1
consulting, mentoring, and design and code walkthroughs from MindView, 1
- container, 1, 2
- container class templates and virtual functions, 1
delete, 1
iterators, 1
new, delete, and containers, 1
ownership, 1, 2, 3
polymorphism , 1
Standard C++ Library, 1
vector, 1
context, and overloading, 1
continuation, namespace, 1
continue, keyword, 1
- control
- access, 1, 2
- run-time, 1
access specifiers, 1
expression, used with a for loop, 1
- controlling
- execution, 1
linkage, 1
- conversion
- automatic type conversion, 1
narrowing conversions, 1
pitfalls in automatic type conversion, 1
preventing automatic type conversion with the keyword explicit, 1
to numbers from char*, 1
converting from C to C++, 1, 2
- copy-constructor, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- alternatives, 1
composition, 1
default, 1
inheritance, 1
private, 1, 2
upcasting and the copy-constructor, 1
vs. operator=, 1
copy-on-write (COW), 1
copying pointers inside classes, 1
copyright notice, source code, 1
correctness, const, 1
costs, startup, 1
- counting
- automatic, and arrays, 1
reference, 1
cout, 1, 2
cover design, book, 1
CRC, class-responsibility-collaboration cards, 1
- creating
- functions in C and C++, 1
new object from an existing object, 1
objects on the heap, 1
crisis, software, 1
cstdlib standard header file, 1
cstring standard header file, 1
- data
- defining storage for static members, 1
initializing const members, 1
static area, 1
static members inside a class, 1
- data type
- abstract, 1, 2
built-in, 1
equivalence to class, 1
user-defined, 1
- debugging, 1
- assert() macro, 1
flags, 1
preprocessor flags, 1
require.h, 1
run-time, 1
using the preprocessor, 1
decimal, 1
- declaration, 1, 2
- all possible combinations, 1
analyzing complex, 1
and definition, 1
- class, 1
- nested friend, 1
const, 1
forward, 1
- function, 1, 2, 3
- declaration syntax, 1
not essential in C, 1
header files, 1, 2
structure, 1
using, for namespaces, 1
- variable
- declaration syntax, 1
point of declaration & scope, 1
- virtual, 1
- base-class declarations, 1
derived-class declarations, 1
- decoration, name, 1, 2, 3, 4
- overloading, 1
- decoupling, 1
- via polymorphism, 1
- decrement, 1, 2
- and increment operators, 1
overloading operator, 1
- default
- argument, 1, 2, 3
- as a flag, 1
vs. overloading, 1
- constructor, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- inheritance, 1
copy-constructor, 1
default values in templates, 1
keyword, 1
- defining
- function pointer, 1
initializing at the same time, 1
initializing variables, 1
- variable, 1
- anywhere in the scope, 1
- definition, 1
- array, 1
block, 1
class, 1
complex function definitions, 1
const, 1
declaration, 1
duplicate class definitions and templates, 1
formatting pointer definitions, 1
function, 1
non-inline template member function definitions, 1
object, 1
pure virtual function definitions, 1
storage for static data members, 1
structure definition in a header file, 1
- delete, 1, 2, 3
- calling delete for zero, 1
delete-expression, 1, 2
keyword, 1
multiple deletions of the same object, 1
- new
- and containers, 1
for arrays, 1
- overloading new and delete, 1
- array, 1
class, 1
global, 1
void*, deleting is a bug, 1
zero pointer, 1
Demarco, Tom, 1
- dependency
- makefile, 1
static initialization, 1
deprecation, of ++ with a bool flag, 1
- dereference
- *, 1
dereferencing function pointers, 1
pointer, 1
- derived
- adding new virtual functions in the derived class, 1
types, 1
virtual keyword in derived-class declarations, 1
- design
- analysis and design, object-oriented, 1
- book
- cover, 1
design and production, 1
consulting, mentoring, and design and code walkthroughs from MindView, 1
five stages of object design, 1
inlines, 1
mistakes, 1
pattern, iterator, 1
patterns, 1, 2
- destructor, 1
- automatic destructor calls, 1
- with inheritance and composition, 1
doesn’t automatically inherit , 1
explicit destructor call, 1
initialization and cleanup on the heap, 1
inlines, 1
order of constructor and destructor calls, 1
pure virtual destructor, 1
scope, 1
static objects, 1
tracking creations and destructions, 1
virtual destructor, 1, 2, 3, 4
virtual function calls in destructors, 1
development, incremental, 1
- diagram
- class inheritance diagrams, 1
inheritance, 1
use case, 1
- directive
- preprocessor, 1
- using, namespaces, 1, 2
- header files, 1
directly accessing structure, 1
disallowing assignment, 1
dispatching, double/multiple, 1
division (/), 1
do-while, 1
- double, 1
- dispatching, and multiple dispatching, 1
double precision floating point, 1
internal format, 1
- downcast
- static_cast, 1
type-safe, 1
duplicate class definitions and templates, 1
- dynamic
- binding, 1
memory allocation, 1, 2
object creation, 1, 2, 3, 4
type checking, 1
dynamic_cast, 1
early binding, 1, 2, 3, 4
edition, 2nd, what’s new in, 1
- efficiency, 1
- C++, 1
constructor, 1
creating and returning objects, 1
inlines, 1
memory allocation, 1
references, 1
trap of premature optimization, 1
virtual functions, 1
elegance, in programming, 1
Ellis, Margaret, 1
else, 1
- embedded
- object, 1
systems, 1
encapsulation, 1, 2
end sentinel, iterator, 1, 2, 3
- enum
- and const in classes, 1
clarifying programs with, 1
hack, 1
incrementing, 1
keyword, 1
type checking, 1
untagged, 1, 2
- equivalence, 1
- ==, 1
- error
- exception handling, 1
off-by-one, 1
preventing with common header files, 1
reporting errors in book, 1
structure redeclaration, 1
escape sequences, 1
evaluation order, inline, 1
evolution, in program development, 1
- exception handling, 1, 2
- simple use, 1
- executing code
- after exiting main( ), 1, 2
before entering main( ), 1
- execution
- controlling, 1
point, 1
exercise solutions, 1
exit( ), 1, 2
- explicit
- cast, 1
- C++, 1
for upcasting, 1
keyword to prevent automatic type conversion, 1
- exponential, 1
- notation, 1
exponentiation, no operator, 1
expressions, complicated, and operator overloading, 1
extending a class during inheritance, 1
extensible program, 1
- extern, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- const, 1, 2
to link C code, 1
- external
- linkage, 1, 2, 3, 4
references, during linking, 1
extractor and inserter, overloading for iostreams, 1
Extreme Programming (XP), 1, 2, 3
factory, design pattern, 1
- false, 1, 2, 3
- and true, in conditionals, 1
bool, true and false, 1
fan-out, automatic type conversion, 1
Fibonacci, 1
fibonacci( ), 1
- file
- header, 1, 2, 3
- code organization, 1
const, 1
namespaces, 1
names, 1
reading and writing, 1
scope, 1, 2, 3
static, 1, 2, 3, 4
structure definition in a header file, 1
flags, debugging, 1
- floating point
- float, 1, 2
float.h, 1
internal format, 1
number size hierarchy, 1
numbers, 1, 2
true and false, 1
- for
- defining variables inside the control expression, 1
loop, 1, 2
loop counter, defined inside control expression, 1
variable lifetime in for loops, 1
formatting pointer definitions, 1
- forward
- declaration, 1
reference, inline, 1
Fowler, Martin, 1, 2, 3
fragile base-class problem, 1
fragmentation, heap, 1, 2
free store, 1
free( ), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
free-standing reference, 1
- friend, 1, 2
- declaration of a nested friend class, 1
global function, 1
injection into namespace, 1
member function, 1
nested structure, 1
structure, 1
fstream, 1
- function, 1
- abstract base classes and pure virtual functions, 1
access, 1
adding more to a design, 1
adding new virtual functions in the derived class, 1
address, 1, 2
- argument, 1
- const, 1
const reference , 1
reference, 1
array of pointers to, 1
- assembly-language code generated
- function call, 1
virtual function call, 1
binding, for a function call, 1, 2
body, 1
C library, 1
call operator( ), 1
call overhead, 1, 2
called for side effect, 1
complicated function definitions, 1
constructors, behavior of virtual functions inside, 1
creating, 1
- declaration, 1, 2, 3
- not essential in C, 1
required, 1
syntax, 1
definition, 1
empty argument list, C vs. C++, 1
expanding the function interface, 1
- global, 1
- friend, 1
helper, assembly, 1
- inline, 1, 2, 3
- header files, 1
local class (class defined inside a function), 1
- member function, 1, 2
- calling
- a member function, 1
another member function from within a member function, 1
base-class functions, 1
const, 1, 2
friend, 1
inheritance and static member functions, 1
overloaded operator, 1
selection, 1
objects, 1
- overloading, 1
- operator, 1
using declaration, namespaces, 1
overriding, 1
pass-by reference & temporary objects, 1
- pointer
- defining, 1
to member function, 1
using a function pointer, 1
polymorphic function call, 1
prototyping, 1
pure virtual function definitions, 1
redefinition during inheritance, 1
- return value
- by reference, 1
returning a value, 1
type, 1
void, 1
signature, 1
stack frame for a function call , 1
- static
- class objects inside functions, 1
member, 1, 2, 3
objects inside functions, 1
variables inside functions, 1
templates, 1
type, 1
unique identifier for each, 1
variable argument list, 1
- virtual function, 1, 2
- constructor, 1
overriding, 1
picturing, 1
garbage collector, 1, 2
generic algorithm, 1
get and set functions, 1
get( ), 1
- getline( )
- and string, 1
from iostreams library, 1
Glass, Robert, 1
- global
- friend function, 1
functions, 1
new and delete, overloading, 1
object constructor, 1
operator, overloaded, 1
scope resolution, 1
static initialization dependency of global objects, 1
variables, 1
GNU C++, 1
Gorlen, Keith, 1
- goto, 1, 2, 3
- non-local, 1
- greater than
- >, 1
or equal to (>=), 1
guaranteed initialization, 1, 2
guards, include, on header files, 1
- guidelines
- argument passing, 1
C++ programming guidelines, 1
object development, 1
hack, enum, 1
handle classes, 1, 2
- has-a, 1
- composition, 1
- header file, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- code organization, 1
enforced use of in C++, 1
formatting standard, 1
include guards, 1
inline definitions, 1
internal linkage, 1
namespaces, 1
new file include format, 1
order of inclusion, 1
templates, 1, 2
using directives, 1
importance of using a common header file, 1
multiple inclusion, 1
structure definition in a header file, 1
- heap, 1, 2
- C heap, 1
compactor, 1
creating objects, 1
fragmentation, 1, 2
guaranteeing that all objects are created on the heap, 1
- storage allocation, 1
- simple example system, 1
helper function, assembly, 1
hexadecimal, 1
- hiding
- function names inside a struct, 1
implementation, 1, 2, 3, 4
- names
- during inheritance, 1
during overloading, 1
variables from the enclosing scope, 1
hierarchy, singly-rooted/object-based, 1, 2
high concept, 1
high-level assembly language, 1
hostile programmers, 1
- hybrid
- C++, hybrid object-oriented language, and friend, 1
object-oriented programming language, 1
- identifier
- unique for each function, 1
unique for each object, 1
IEEE standard for floating-point numbers, 1, 2
- if-else, 1
- defining variables inside the conditional, 1
statement, 1
ternary ?:, 1
ifstream, 1, 2
- implementation, 1, 2
- and interface, separating, 1, 2, 3, 4
- hiding, 1, 2, 3, 4
- compile-time only, 1
implicit type conversion, 1
in situ inline functions, 1
in-memory compilation, 1
- include, 1
- include guards, in header files, 1, 2
new include format, 1
incomplete type specification, 1, 2
- increment, 1, 2
- and decrement operators, 1
incrementing and enumeration, 1
overloading operator ++, 1
- incremental
- development, 1
programming, 1
indeterminate argument list, 1
- indexing
- array, using [ ], 1, 2
zero, 1
- inheritance, 1, 2, 3, 4
- choosing composition vs. inheritance, 1
class inheritance diagrams, 1
combining composition & inheritance, 1
copy-constructor, 1
diagram, 1
extending a class during, 1
extensibility, 1
function redefinition, 1
initialization, 1
is-a, 1, 2
multiple, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
name hiding, 1
operator overloading & inheritance, 1
order of construction, 1
private inheritance, 1
protected inheritance, 1
public inheritance, 1
static member functions, 1
subtyping, 1
virtual function calls in destructors, 1
vs. composition, 1, 2
- initialization, 1, 2
- aggregate, 1, 2
- array
- elements, 1
to zero, 1
const data members, 1
const inside class, 1
constructor, 1
constructor initializer list, 1, 2, 3
definition, simultaneous, 1
for loop, 1, 2
- guaranteed, 1, 2
- during inheritance, 1
initialization and cleanup on the heap, 1
initializer for a static variable of a built-in type, 1
lazy, 1
member object initialization, 1
memberwise, 1, 2
object using =, 1
- static
- array, 1
const, 1
dependency, 1
member , 1
zero initialization by the linking-loading mechanism, 1
variables at point of definition, 1
vs. bitcopy, 1
injection, friend into namespace, 1
- inline, 1, 2
- class definition, 1
constructor efficiency, 1
constructors, 1
convenience, 1
definitions and header files, 1
destructors, 1
effectiveness, 1
efficiency, 1
function, 1, 2, 3
header files, 1
in situ, 1
limitations, 1
non-inline template member function definitions, 1
order of evaluation, 1
templates, 1
- input
- reading by words, 1
standard, 1
insert( ), 1
inserter and extractor, overloading for iostreams, 1
instance of a class, 1
instantiation, template, 1
int, 1
- interface, 1
- base-class interface, 1
common interface, 1
defining the class, 1
expanding function interface, 1
for an object, 1
implementation, separation of, 1, 2, 3, 4
implied by a template, 1
user, 1
internal linkage, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
interpreters, 1
interrupt service routine (ISR), 1, 2
- iostreams, 1
- get( ), 1
getline( ), 1
- global overloaded new & delete
- interaction with, 1
limitations of, 1
manipulators, 1
overloading << and >>, 1
reading and writing files, 1
reading input, 1
setf( ), 1
strings with iostreams, 1
width( ), 1
- is-a
- inheritance, 1, 2
vs. is-like-a relationships, 1
- ISO Standard
- C, 1
- fundamentals, 1
- C++, 1
- header files, 1
istream, overloading operator >>, 1
iteration, in program development, 1
- iterator, 1, 2, 3
- containers, 1
motivation, 1
nested class, 1
Standard C++ Library, 1
Jacobsen, Ivar, 1
Java, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
K&R C, 1
- keywords
- #define, 1, 2
#endif, 1, 2
#ifdef, 1
#include , 1
‘.’ (member selection operator), 1
&, 1
( ), function call operator overloading, 1
*, 1, 2
- ->, 1
- overloading, 1
struct member selection via pointer, 1
- ->*, 1
- overloading, 1
.*, 1
::, 1, 2
- =, 1
- overloading, 1, 2
asm, for in-line assembly language , 1
auto, 1, 2
- bool, 1
- true and false, 1
break, 1
case, 1
catch, 1
char, 1, 2, 3
class, 1, 2, 3
const, 1, 2, 3
const_cast, 1
continue, 1
default , 1
delete, 1, 2
do, 1
double, 1, 2
dynamic_cast, 1
else, 1
- enum, 1, 2
- untagged, 1
explicit, 1
- extern, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- for alternate linkage, 1
false, 1, 2
float, 1, 2
for, 1, 2
friend, 1
goto, 1, 2, 3
if, 1
inline, 1, 2
int, 1
long, 1
long double, 1
long float (not legal), 1
mutable, 1
namespace, 1, 2, 3
new, 1, 2
operator, 1
private, 1, 2, 3, 4
protected, 1, 2, 3
public, 1
register, 1, 2
reinterpret_cast, 1
return, 1
short, 1
signed, 1
signed char, 1
- sizeof, 1, 2, 3
- with struct, 1
static, 1, 2, 3
static_cast, 1, 2
struct, 1, 2
switch, 1, 2
template, 1, 2
this, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
throw, 1
true, 1, 2
try, 1
typedef, 1
typeid, 1
- union, 1, 2
- anonymous, 1
unsigned, 1
using, 1, 2
virtual, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
void, 1
void& (illegal), 1
void*, 1, 2
volatile, 1
while, 1, 2
Koenig, Andrew, 1, 2, 3
Lajoie, Josee, 1
Lakos, John, 1, 2
- language
- C++ is a more strongly typed language, 1
C++, hybrid object-oriented language, and friend, 1
hybrid object-oriented programming language, 1
large programs, creation of, 1
- late binding, 1, 2
- implementing, 1
layout, object, and access control, 1
lazy initialization, 1
leading underscore, on identifiers (reserved), 1
leaks, memory, 1, 2
left-shift operator <<, 1
- less than
- <, 1
or equal to <=, 1
- library, 1, 2, 3, 4
- C, 1
code, 1
creating your own with the librarian, 1
issues with different compilers, 1
- Standard C function
- abort( ), 1
atexit( ), 1
exit( ), 1
- lifetime
- for loop variables, 1
object, 1, 2
temporary objects, 1
limits.h, 1
- linkage, 1, 2
- alternate linkage specification, 1
controlling, 1
external, 1, 2, 3
internal, 1, 2, 3, 4
no linkage, 1, 2
type-safe, 1
linked list, 1, 2, 3
- linker, 1, 2, 3
- collision, 1
external references, 1
object file order, 1
pre-empting a library function , 1
searching libraries, 1, 2
unresolved references, 1
Lippman, Stanley, 1
- list
- constructor initializer, 1, 2
linked, 1, 2, 3
Lister, Timothy, 1
- local
- array, 1
classes, 1
static object, 1
variable, 1, 2
logarithm, 1
- logical
- and &&, 1
const, 1
explicit bitwise and logical operators, 1
not !, 1
operators, 1, 2
or ||, 1
long, 1, 2
long double, 1, 2
longjmp( ), 1
- loop
- for, 1
- loop counter, defined inside control expression , 1
variable lifetime in for loops , 1
while, 1
Love, Tom, 1
lvalue, 1, 2, 3
machine instructions, 1
- macro
- argument, 1
makefile, 1
- preprocessor, 1, 2, 3
- macros for parameterized types, instead of templates, 1
unsafe, 1
to generate classes, 1
magic numbers, avoiding, 1
- main( )
- basic form, 1
- main( )
- executing code after exiting, 1
executing code before entering, 1
maintenance, program, 1
- make, 1
- dependencies, 1
suffix rules, 1
macros, 1
makefile, 1, 2
- malloc( ), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- behavior, not deterministic in time, 1
management obstacles, 1
- mangling, name, 1, 2, 3
- and overloading, 1
mathematical operators, 1
Matson, Kris C., 1
- member
- defining storage for static data member, 1
initializing const data members, 1
- member function, 1, 2
- calling, 1
calling another member function from within a member function, 1
const, 1, 2
four member functions the compiler synthesizes, 1
friend, 1
non-inline template member function definitions, 1
return type, 1
selection, 1
signature, 1
- static, 1, 2, 3
- and inheritance, 1
object, 1
object initialization, 1
overloaded member operator, 1
pointers to members, 1
selection operator, 1
static data member inside a class, 1
vs. non-member operators, 1
- memberwise
- assignment, 1, 2
const, 1
initialization, 1, 2
- memcpy( ), 1
- standard C library function, 1
- memory, 1
- allocation and efficiency, 1
dynamic memory allocation, 1, 2
- leak, 1, 2
- finding with overloaded new and delete, 1
from delete void*, 1
- management
- example of, 1
reference counting, 1
memory manager overhead, 1
read-only (ROM), 1
simple storage allocation system, 1
memset( ), 1, 2, 3, 4
- mentoring
- and training, 1, 2
consulting, mentoring, and design and code walkthroughs from MindView, 1
message, sending, 1, 2, 3
methodology, analysis and design, 1
Meyers, Scott, 1, 2, 3
- MindView
- public hands-on training seminars, 1
seminars-on-CD-ROM, 1
minimum size of a struct, 1
mission statement, 1
mistakes, and design, 1
modulus (%), 1
Moo, Barbara, 1
Mortensen, Owen, 1
multi-way selection, 1
multiparadigm programming, 1
- multiple
- dispatching, 1
inclusion of header files, 1
inheritance, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
multiple-declaration problem, 1
multiplication (*), 1
multitasking and volatile, 1
Murray, Rob, 1, 2
- mutable, 1
- bitwise vs. logical const, 1
mutators, 1
- name
- clashes, 1
collisions, in C, 1
- decoration, 1, 2, 3, 4
- no standard for, 1
overloading and, 1
file, 1
hiding, during inheritance, 1
- mangling, 1, 2, 3
- and overloading, 1
named constant, 1
- namespace, 1, 2, 3
- aliasing, 1
ambiguity, 1
continuation, 1
header files, 1
injection of friends, 1
referring to names in, 1
single name space for functions in C, 1
std, 1
unnamed, 1
- using, 1
- declaration, 1
- and overloading, 1
- directive, 1
- and header files, 1
naming the constructor, 1
narrowing conversions, 1
needless recompilation, 1
- nested
- class, 1
friend structure, 1
iterator class, 1, 2
scopes, 1
structures, 1
- new, 1, 2
- and delete for arrays, 1
array of pointers, 1
delete and containers, 1
keyword, 1
new-expression, 1, 2, 3
new-handler, 1
- operator new, 1
- constructor, memory exhaustion , 1
exhausting storage, 1
placement specifier, 1
- overloading
- can take multiple arguments, 1
- new and delete, 1
- for a class, 1
for arrays, 1
global, 1
newline, 1
no linkage, 1, 2
non-local goto, 1
- not
- bitwise, 1
equivalent !=, 1
logical not !, 1
not_eq, != (logical not-equivalent), 1
nuance, and overloading, 1
NULL references, 1, 2
number, conversion to numbers from char*, 1
- object, 1, 2
- address of, 1
const member functions, 1
creating a new object from an existing object, 1
creating on the heap, 1
definition of, 1
definition point, 1
destruction of static, 1
dynamic object creation, 1, 2
- file, 1
- order during linking, 1
five stages of object design, 1
function objects, 1
global constructor, 1
guidelines for object development, 1
interface to, 1
layout, and access control, 1
lifetime of an object, 1, 2
local static, 1
member, 1
module, 1
object-based, 1
object-based C++, 1
outside, 1
pass by value, 1
passing and returning large objects, 1
scope, going out of, 1
- size, 1
- forced to be non-zero, 1
slicing, 1, 2
- static
- class objects inside functions, 1, 2
initialization dependency, 1
temporary, 1, 2, 3, 4
unique address, each object, 1
object-based/singly-rooted hierarchy, 1, 2
- object-oriented
- analysis and design, 1
basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP), 1
C++, hybrid object-oriented language, and friend, 1
hybrid object-oriented programming language, 1
obstacles, management, 1
octal, 1
off-by-one error, 1
- ofstream, 1, 2
- as a static object, 1
one-definition rule, 1, 2
ones complement operator, 1
- OOP, 1
- analysis and design, 1
basic characteristics, 1
basic concepts of object-oriented programming, 1
Simula programming language, 1
substitutability, 1
summarized, 1
- operator, 1
- &, 1
>> and iostreams, 1
<< overloading to use with ostream, 1
( ), function call, 1
*, 1, 2, 3
-> smart pointer, 1
->* pointer to member, 1
- =, 1
- as a private function, 1
automatic creation, 1
behavior of, 1
doesn’t automatically inherit , 1
memberwise assignment, 1
private, 1
vs. copy-constructor, 1
?: ternary if-else, 1
assignment, 1
auto-increment ++, 1
- binary
- operators, 1
overloaded, 1
overloading examples, 1
bitwise, 1
bool behavior with built-in operators, 1
C & C++, 1
casting, 1
choosing between member and non-member overloading, guidelines, 1
comma, 1, 2
complicated expressions with operator overloading, 1
explicit bitwise and logical operators, 1
fan-out in automatic type conversion, 1
- global
- overloaded, 1
scope resolution ::, 1
increment ++ and decrement --, 1
logical, 1, 2
member vs. non-member, 1
- new, 1
- exhausting storage , 1
new-expression, 1
placement specifier, 1
no exponentiation, 1
no user-defined, 1
ones-complement, 1
operators you can’t overload, 1
- overloading, 1, 2, 3, 4
- arguments and return values, 1
check for self-assignment, 1
inheritance, 1
member function, 1
operators that can be overloaded, 1
reflexivity, 1
return type, 1
virtual functions, 1
[ ], 1
pitfalls, 1
postfix increment & decrement, 1
precedence, 1
prefix increment & decrement, 1
preprocessor stringize operator #, 1
relational, 1
- scope resolution ::, 1, 2, 3
- and namespaces, 1
for calling base-class functions, 1
shift, 1
sizeof, 1
type conversion overloading, 1
- unary, 1, 2
- overloaded, 1
overloading examples, 1
unusual overloaded, 1
[ ], 1, 2, 3
++, 1
member selection, 1
- optimization
- inlines, 1
return value optimization, 1
- optimizer
- peephole, 1
global, 1
- or
- | bitwise, 1
|| logical, 1, 2, 3
- order
- access specifiers, 1
constructor and destructor calls, 1
constructor calls, 1
- organization, code, 1
- header files, 1
or_eq, |= (bitwise or-assignment), 1
- ostream, 1
- overloading operator <<, 1, 2
output, standard, 1
outside object, 1
- overhead
- assembly-language code generated by a virtual function, 1
function call, 1, 2
memory manager, 1
size overhead of virtual functions, 1
- overloading, 1
- << and >> for iostreams, 1
assignment, 1
choosing between members and non-members, guidelines, 1
constructor, 1
default arguments, difference with overloading, 1
fan-out in automatic type conversion, 1
function, 1
function call operator( ), 1
global operators vs. member operators, 1
namespaces, using declaration, 1
new & delete, 1
- new and delete
- array, 1
class, 1
global, 1
on return values, 1
- operator, 1
- << to use with ostream, 1
++, 1
-> smart pointer operator, 1
->* pointer-to-member, 1
inheritance, 1
operators that can be overloaded, 1
operators that can’t be overloaded, 1
overloading reflexivity, 1
type conversion, 1
virtual functions, 1
[ ], 1
operator , 1
overriding, difference, 1
pitfalls in automatic type conversion, 1
- overriding, 1
- and overloading, 1
during inheritance, 1
function, 1
overview, chapters, 1
- ownership, 1, 2, 3, 4
- and containers, 1, 2, 3, 4
pair programming, 1
paralysis, analysis, 1
- parsing, 1
- parse tree, 1
pass-by-reference, 1
- pass-by-value, 1, 2
- and arrays, 1
- passing
- and returning
- addresses, 1
addresses, with const, 1
by value, C, 1
large objects, 1
by value, 1, 2, 3
temporaries, 1
- patterns, design, 1, 2
- iterator, 1
performance issues, 1
Perl, 1
- pitfall
- automatic type conversion, 1
C, 1
operators, 1
preprocessor, 1
placeholder arguments, 1
placement, operator new placement specifier, 1
planning, software development, 1
Plauger, P.J., 1
Plum, Tom, 1, 2, 3
point, sequence, 1, 2
- pointer, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- argument passing, vs. references, 1
arithmetic, 1
- array, 1
- making a pointer look like an array, 1
of pointers, 1
assignments, const and non-const, 1
classes containing, and overloading operator=, 1
const, 1, 2
formatting definitions, 1
introduction, 1
- member, pointer to, 1
- function, 1
overloading, 1
pointer & reference upcasting, 1
- pointer to function
- array of, 1
defining, 1
using, 1
reference to pointer, 1
reference, difference, 1
smart pointer, 1
square brackets, 1
stack, 1
struct, member selection with ->, 1
upcasting, 1
void, 1, 2, 3, 4
void*, 1
vs. reference when modifying outside objects, 1
- polymorphism, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- containers, 1
polymorphic function call, 1
vs. downcasting, 1
post-decrement --, 1
post-increment ++, 1
postconditions, 1
postfix operator increment & decrement, 1
pre-decrement --, 1
pre-increment ++, 1
precedence, operator, 1
preconditions, 1
prefix operator increment & decrement, 1
- preprocessor, 1, 2, 3
- #define, #ifdef and #endif, 1
and scoping, 1
debugging flags, 1
- macro, 1, 2, 3
- unsafe, 1
pitfall, 1
problems, 1
string concatenation, 1
stringizing, 1
token pasting, 1
value substitution, 1
prerequisites, for this book, 1
preventing automatic type conversion with the keyword explicit, 1
printf( ), 1
- private, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- copy-constructor, 1
private inheritance, 1
problem space, 1
process, 1
production, and book design, 1
- program
- maintenance, 1
structure when writing code, 1
programmer, client, 1, 2
- programming
- basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP), 1
Extreme Programming (XP), 1, 2, 3
in the large, 1
incremental process, 1
multiparadigm, 1
pair, 1
programs, calling other, 1
project building tools, 1
- promotion, 1
- automatic type conversion, 1
- protected, 1, 2, 3, 4
- inheritance, 1
- prototyping
- function, 1
rapid, 1
pseudoconstructor, for built-in types, 1, 2, 3
- public, 1, 2
- inheritance, 1
seminars, 1
- pure
- abstract base classes and pure virtual functions, 1
C++, hybrid object-oriented language, and friend, 1
substitution, 1
virtual destructor, 1
virtual function definitions, 1
push-down stack, 1
push_back( ), for vector, 1
putc( ), 1
puts( ), 1
Python, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
qualifier, c-v, 1
ranges, used by containers and iterators in the Standard C++ Library, 1
rapid prototyping, 1
re-declaration of classes, preventing, 1
re-entrant, 1
read-only memory (ROM), 1
- reading
- files, 1
input by words, 1
realloc( ), 1, 2, 3
recompiling C programs in C++, 1
- recursion, 1, 2
- and inline functions, 1
redefining during inheritance, 1
reducing recompilation, 1
refactoring, 1
- reference, 1, 2, 3
- C++, 1
- const, 1, 2
- and operator overloading, 1
for argument passing, 1
efficiency, 1
external, during linking, 1
free-standing, 1
function, 1
NULL, 1, 2
passing const, 1
pointer & reference upcasting, 1
pointer, reference to a pointer, 1
reference counting, 1, 2
rules, 1
upcasting, 1
void reference (illegal), 1
vs. pointer when modifying outside objects, 1
reflexivity, in operator overloading, 1
- register, 1
- variables, 1
reinterpret_cast, 1
relational operators, 1
reporting errors in book, 1
request, in OOP, 1
require( ), 1, 2, 3
- require.h, 1, 2, 3, 4
- function definitions, 1
requireArgs( ), from require.h, 1
requirements analysis, 1
- resolution, scope
- global, 1
nested structures, 1
operator ::, 1
resolving references, 1
- return
- by value, 1
by value as const, and operator overloading, 1
const value, 1
constructor return value, 1
efficiency when creating and returning objects, 1
function return values, references, 1
keyword, 1
- operator
- overloaded return type, 1
overloading arguments and return values, 1
overloading on return values, 1
passing and returning by value, C, 1
passing and returning large objects, 1
references to local objects, 1
type, 1
- value, 1
- from a function, 1
optimization, 1
semantics, 1
void, 1
RETURN, assembly-language, 1
reusability, 1
- reuse, 1
- code reuse, 1
existing class libraries, 1
source code reuse with templates, 1
templates, 1
right-shift operator (>>), 1
ROM, read-only memory, ROMability, 1
- rotate, 1
- bit manipulation, 1
RTTI, run-time type identification, 1, 2
rule, makefile, 1
Rumbaugh, James, 1
- run-time
- access control, 1
binding, 1
debugging flags, 1
type identification (RTTI), 1, 2
rvalue, 1, 2
safe union, 1
Saks, Dan, 1, 2, 3, 4
scenario, 1
scheduling, 1
Schwarz, Jerry, 1
- scope, 1, 2, 3, 4
- consts, 1
file, 1, 2
going out of, 1
hide variables from the enclosing scope, 1
preprocessor, 1
- resolution
- global, 1
nested structures, 1
- operator ::, 1, 2
- and namespaces, 1
for calling base-class functions, 1
scoped variable, 1
static member initialization, 1
storage allocation, 1
use case, 1
second edition, what’s new, 1
security, 1
- selection
- member function, 1
multi-way, 1
self-assignment, checking for in operator overloading, 1, 2
semantics, return value, 1
- seminars
- on CD-ROM, from MindView, 1
public, 1
training seminars from MindView, 1
sending a message, 1, 2, 3
sentinel, end, 1, 2
- separate compilation, 1, 2
- and make, 1
separation of interface and implementation, 1, 2, 3
sequence point, 1, 2
- set
- <set> standard header file, 1
and get functions, 1
container class from the Standard C++ Library, 1
setf( ), iostreams, 1
setjmp( ), 1
SGI (Silicon Graphics) STL project, 1
- shape
- example, 1
hierarchy, 1
shift operators, 1
short, 1
side effect, 1, 2
signature, 1
- signed, 1
- char, 1
Silicon Graphics (SGI) STL project, 1
Simula programming language, 1, 2
single-precision floating point, 1
singly-rooted/object-based hierarchy, 1, 2
- size
- built-in types, 1
- object, 1
- forced to be nonzero, 1
size_t, 1
storage, 1
struct, 1
word, 1
- sizeof, 1, 2, 3, 4
- char, 1
struct, 1
- slicing
- object slicing, 1
Smalltalk, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
smart pointer operator ->, 1, 2
- software
- crisis, 1
development methodology, 1
solution space, 1
solutions, exercise, 1
source code availability, 1
source-level debugger, 1
- space
- problem, 1
solution, 1
- specification
- incomplete type, 1, 2
system specification, 1
- specifier
- access specifiers, 1, 2
- no required order in a class, 1
to modify basic built-in types, 1
specifying storage allocation, 1
sstream standard header file, 1
- stack, 1, 2, 3, 4
- function-call stack frame, 1
pointer, 1
push-down, 1
storage allocation, 1
variable on the stack, 1
Stack example class, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Standard C++ Library
- algorithms, 1
insert( ), 1
push_front( ), 1
ranges, used by containers and iterators, 1
standard for each class header file, 1
standard input, 1
standard library, 1
- standard library header file
- cassert, 1
cstdlib, 1
cstring, 1
set, 1
sstream, 1
typeinfo, 1
standard output, 1
Standard Template Library (STL), 1
standards, C++ Committee, 1
startup costs, 1
startup module, 1
Stash example class, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- statement
- continuation over several lines, 1
mission, 1
- static, 1, 2, 3
- array, 1
- initialization, 1
class objects inside functions, 1
confusion when using, 1
const, 1
- data
- area, 1
- members inside a class, 1, 2
- defining storage for, 1
destruction of objects, 1
file, 1, 2
initialization dependency, 1
initialization to zero, 1
initializer for a variable of a built-in type, 1
local object, 1
- member functions, 1, 2, 3
- inheritance and, 1
objects inside functions, 1
- storage, 1, 2
- area, 1
type checking, 1
variables in functions as return values, 1
variables inside functions, 1
- static_cast, 1, 2
- downcast, 1
std namespace, 1
step, in for loop, 1
- Silicon Graphics (SGI) STL project, 1
Standard Template Library, 1
- storage
- allocation, 1
- const and extern, 1
auto storage class specifier, 1
const, in C vs. C++, 1
defining storage for static data members, 1
extern storage class specifier, 1
register storage class specifier, 1
running out of, 1
simple allocation system, 1
sizes, 1
- static, 1, 2
- area, 1
storage class specifier, 1
storage class, 1
storing type information, 1
Straker, David, 1
- string, 1, 2
- class, Standard C++, 1
concatenation, 1
copying a file into, 1
getline( ), 1
preprocessor # to turn a variable name into a string, 1
preprocessor string concatenation, 1
- stringizing, preprocessor, 1
- macros, 1
operator #, 1
stringstream, 1
strong typing, C++ is a more strongly typed language, 1
Stroustrup, Bjarne, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- struct, 1, 2, 3, 4
- aggregate initialization, 1
array of, 1
hiding function names inside, 1
minimum size, 1
pointer selection of member with ->, 1
size of, 1
- structure
- aggregate initialization and structures, 1
declaration, 1, 2
definition in a header file, 1
friend, 1
nested, 1
redeclaring, 1
subobject, 1, 2, 3, 4
substitutability, in OOP, 1
- substitution
- principle, 1
value, 1
subtraction (-), 1
subtyping, 1
suffix rules, makefile, 1
SUFFIXES, makefile, 1
sugar, syntactic, 1
- switch, 1, 2
- defining variables inside the selector statement, 1
- syntax
- function declaration syntax, 1
operator overloading, 1
sugar, with operator overloading, 1
variable declaration syntax, 1
- synthesized
- default constructor, behavior of, 1
member functions that are automatically created by the compiler, 1, 2
system specification, 1
system(), 1
tab, 1
table-driven code, 1
tag name, 1
tag, comment for linking, 1
- template, 1, 2
- argument list, 1
basic usage, 1
class, 1
constants and default values in templates, 1
container class templates and virtual functions, 1
function, 1
generated classes, 1
header file, 1, 2
implies an interface, 1
inline, 1
instantiation, 1
multiple definitions, 1
non-inline template member function definitions, 1
preprocessor macros for parameterized types, instead of templates, 1
Standard Template Library (STL), 1
Stash and Stack examples as templates, 1
weak typing, 1
- temporary object, 1, 2, 3
- bugs, 1
function references, 1
passing a temporary object to a function, 1
return value, 1
ternary operator, 1
- testing
- automated, 1
Extreme Programming (XP), 1
Thinking in C++ Volume 2, what’s in it and how to get it, 1
Thinking in C: Foundations for Java and C++ CD ROM, 1, 2, 3
- this, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- address of current object, 1
throw, 1
time, Standard C library, 1
time_t, 1
token pasting, preprocessor, 1
toupper( ), unexpected results, 1
trailing arguments only can be defaults, 1
- training, 1
- and mentoring, 1, 2
seminars from MindView, 1
translation unit, 1, 2
- true, 1, 2, 3, 4
- and false, in conditionals, 1
bool, true and false, 1
try block, 1
- type
- abstract data type, 1
- automatic type conversion, 1
- preventing with the keyword explicit, 1
with operator overloading, 1
base, 1
basic built-in, 1
cast, 1
- checking, 1, 2, 3, 4
- stricter in C++, 1
- conversion, 1
- implicit, 1
creation, composite, 1
data type equivalence to class, 1
derived, 1
function type, 1
improved type checking, 1
incomplete type specification, 1, 2
inheritance, is-a, 1
initialization of built-in types with ‘constructors’, 1
run-time type identification (RTTI), 1, 2
storing type information, 1
- type checking
- for enumerations, 1
for unions, 1
type-safe linkage, 1
user-defined, 1, 2
- weak typing, 1, 2
- C++ via templates, 1
type-safe downcast, 1
typedef, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
typefaces, book, 1
typeid, 1
typeinfo standard header file, 1
- UML, 1
- indicating composition, 1
Unified Modeling Language, 1, 2
- unary
- examples of all overloaded unary operators, 1
minus -, 1
- operators, 1, 2
- overloaded , 1
plus +, 1
underscore, leading, on identifiers (reserved), 1
Unified Modeling Language (UML), 1, 2
- union
- additional type checking, 1
- anonymous, 1
- file scope, 1
difference between a union and a class, 1
member functions and access control, 1
safe, 1
saving memory with, 1
unit, translation, 1
- unnamed
- arguments, 1
namespace, 1
unresolved references, during linking, 1
unsigned, 1
untagged enum, 1, 2
unusual operator overloading, 1
- upcasting, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- by value, 1
copy-constructor, 1
explicit cast for upcasting, 1
- pointer, 1
- and reference upcasting, 1
reference, 1
type information, lost, 1
- use case, 1
- iteration, 1
scope, 1
user interface, 1
user-defined data type, 1, 2, 3
- using keyword, for namespaces, 1, 2
- declaration, 1, 2
- directive, 1, 2, 3
- header files, 1
namespace std, 1
- value
- constant, 1
minimum and maximum for built-in types, 1
pass-by-value, 1
preprocessor value substitution, 1
return, 1
returning by value, 1
- varargs, 1
- variable argument list, 1
- variable
- argument list, 1
- varargs, 1
automatic, 1, 2, 3
declaration syntax, 1
defining, 1
file scope, 1
global, 1
going out of scope, 1
hide from the enclosing scope, 1
initializer for a static variable of a built-in type, 1
lifetime, in for loops, 1
local, 1, 2
point of definition, 1
register, 1
scoped, 1
stack, 1
turning name into a string, 1
- vector, 1
- assignment, 1
of change, 1
push_back( ), 1
Standard C++ Library, 1
- virtual destructor, 1, 2, 3, 4
- pure virtual destructor, 1
- virtual function, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- adding new virtual functions in the derived class, 1
and dynamic_cast, 1
assembly-language code generated by a virtual function, 1
constructors, behavior of virtual functions inside, 1, 2
destructors, behavior of virtual functions inside, 1
efficiency, 1
late binding, 1
operator overloading and virtual functions, 1
overriding, 1
picturing virtual functions, 1
- pure virtual function
- and abstract base classes, 1
definitions, 1
size overhead of virtual functions, 1
- virtual keyword, 1, 2
- in base-class declarations, 1
in derived-class declarations, 1
virtual memory, 1
visibility, 1
- void
- argument list, 1
casting void pointers, 1
keyword, 1
pointer, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
reference (illegal), 1
- void*, 1, 2, 3
- bugs, 1
containers and ownership, 1
delete, a bug, 1
- volatile, 1, 2
- casting with const_cast, 1
Volume 2, Thinking in C++, 1
vpointer, abbreviated as VPTR, 1
- VPTR, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- installation by the constructor, 1
- VTABLE, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- inheritance and the VTABLE, 1
Waldrop, M. Mitchell, 1
- weak
- typing, 1
- in C++ via templates, 1
weakly typed language, 1
- while loop, 1, 2
- defining variables inside the control expression, 1
width( ), iostreams, 1
wild-card, 1
Will-Harris, Daniel, 1, 2
word size, 1
writing files, 1
xor ^ bitwise exclusive-or, 1, 2
xor_eq, ^= bitwise exclusive-or-assignment, 1
XP, Extreme Programming, 1
zero indexing, 1
- [ ]
- array indexing, 1
overloaded indexing operator, 1, 2
^ bitwise exclusive-or, 1
^= bitwise, 1
|, bitwise or, 1
|= bitwise, 1
||, logical or, 1, 2
~ bitwise not/ones complement, 1
~, destructor, 1