Non-Silicon Coulter Counter

Supplementary material in the form of homework and design problems are provided in pdf format.  Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these files.  The software is free of charge. MATLAB scripts are in ".m" files, MAPLE scripts are in ".mws" files, and SIMULINK scripts are in ".mdl" files. You can view these files using any ascii text editor.

Problem Statement

The goal of this project is to desgn and model a flow chamber that counts biological particles using inexpensive (non-silicon) materials.  Coulter counters are the standard equipment used to count particles and to determine the size of the particles.  They operate based on a change in electrical conduction between electrodes due to the presence of particles.  You should miniaturize this device in materials other than silicon while maintaining or improving its performance.


Download Coulter.pdf  for the full design problem description.

Microsystem Design, Stephen D. Senturia, Kluwer Academic Publishers
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