Resonant Cantilever Microbalance

Supplementary material in the form of homework and design problems are provided in pdf format.  Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these files.  The software is free of charge. MATLAB scripts are in ".m" files, MAPLE scripts are in ".mws" files, and SIMULINK scripts are in ".mdl" files. You can view these files using any ascii text editor.

Problem Statement

Real-time detection methods for the adsorption of DNA, proteins, or cells on a solid surface are of great importance for many biological assays.  The current methods are primarily based on fluorescent or radioisotope labeling of the adsorbed species that often increase the complexity of the sample preparation.  A cantilever microbalance can detect unlabelled species.  However, when operated in liquids, the mass resolution is severely limited because the A of the resonator is typically reduced to a value of order one.

This project addresses the use of a microfabricated cantilever as a microbalance to detect the mass of molecules and particles that become attached to the cantilever surface.  The basic project is to create a device that can detect small mass changes in air ambient.  Assuming these goals can be met, a follow-on question will be to address whether it can successfully be used in liquids for biological assays.


Download Resonator.pdf for the full design problem description.

Microsystem Design, Stephen D. Senturia, Kluwer Academic Publishers
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