Submit Scripts


By  submitting information to the author, in the form of  homework problems, solutions, design problems, scripts, or erratum, one is granting the author full permission, without any exception, to publish the submission, in edited or unedited form, in future editions of the book, on this web site, or on any other medium.  Please do not submit any information unless you agree to the conditions above.

To submit scripts, please e-mail the following information to

1) Your name, affiliation, and e-mail address.
2) The name, affiliation, and e-mail of any co-authors.
3) Problem statement that the script solves.
4) Type of code (e.g. MATLAB, MAPLE, SIMULINK) and version.
5) Annotate ALL variables in the script (comment lines).
6) Send the script as an attachement to the e-mail.
Note to Faculty:  MIT's policy requires student permission for posting of any student work.  If the author or co-author is a student, please have that student send permission for posting.

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Microsystem Design, Stephen D. Senturia, Kluwer Academic Publishers
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