
Priorities defining our work
Always mindful of the Institute’s mission to advance knowledge, educate students, and pursue innovative solutions to real-world problems, we recognize that certain priorities and themes will permeate our efforts to renew and shape our campus.
In founding MIT, William Barton Rogers championed the most fundamental science and the most practical applications, but most importantly, the fruitful interaction between the two -- and the Institute he thus created became a kind of innovation machine.Susan Hockfield, President, MIT
As we move forward, guided by the MIT 2030 framework, these themes will express what MIT considers important or even crucial to our ongoing success as a world-changing research university. Over time, new themes and priorities will emerge in response to new understandings about what the future holds and how we can best continue as an institution. At every step, we will strive to preserve and maintain the essential character of the campus while pursuing opportunities to improve the experience of everyone who lives and works here.
Many of the projects currently underway or in consideration reflect one or more of the following themes:
Photo by Christopher Harting