MITACF is a community devoted to demonstrating the realness of God in all that we do, living out the connection between faith and daily living. In order to help us fulfill our purpose, we meet regularly as a large group as well as in small groups each week. Come and check out what we're all about. And no, you don't have to be Asian!

MITACF is affiliated with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA


Upcoming Large Groups

This Friday (5/17)

Senior Banquet @6pm in Mccormick Dining



  • Chapter Camp
    (May 26 - June 1) Every year, fellowships from all over New England get together for a week to participate in worship, prayer, Scripture study and hanging out up in beautiful New Hampshire. For ACF, this is one of the best and most important times together as a fellowship: not only will we learn a bunch about God and study passages in Luke, but we'll be visioning and planning for the next year! Plus, it's just a great time! This year, we'll be sharing our week with MIT United Christian Fellowship, MIT Black Christian Fellowship, Harvard Asian-American Christian Fellowship and Harvard-Radcliffe Christian Fellowship. The cost is $200, which includes the registration fee, housing, food, tuition and materials. Please let James know if you need scholarships or loans, or if you have any other questions. You can register online here.The registration deadline is April 30.

  • Groups Investigating God
    (Thursdays, 5p) Lobdell Food Court in Student Center. It's a group designed for people who are interested in discussing the claims of Jesus and Christianity with other people who are still investigating. The hour is geared toward studying Biblical passages in an interactive manner, and then any other questions you might have can be asked afterward. If you're interested, please contact James or Sarah.

  • Summer Missions Projects
    The deadlines for many of the summer projects are fast approaching! Particularly, if you're interested in going to Xinjiang, China (June 29-August 13), the deadline is on March 1st. Please contact Andrew right away, even if you're just thinking about it. You can find the Xinjiang application online. Click here to find out more about other IV Global Projects. Also, please feel free to contact Jonathan for his special offer!

  • If you would like more information about ACF, please email us at

    Click here to find out how to contact one of our staff workers.

    MIT Asian Christian Fellowship |