Fall 2002 Large Group Meeting Schedule
September |
9/06/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Lobdell -- North Balcony (W20-305N)
"Getting your sheepskin without losing your soul"
Speaker: Rev. Kevin
Ford (IVCF staff)
9/13/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Refreshing community"
Speaker: Rev. Kevin
Ford (IVCF staff)
9/20/02 |
6 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room
9/27/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Calling" (Does God just call pastors and missionaries?
Or might he call me to be a grad student?)
Speaker: Prof.
Daniel Hastings (MIT Aero/Astro and TPP)
October |
10/4/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Calling" (part 2)
Speaker: Prof.
Daniel Hastings (MIT Aero/Astro and TPP)
10/11/02 |
No meeting -- Fall Retreat (joint with
Harvard and BU Graduate Christian Fellowships) at Toah
Nipi |
10/18/02 |
6 pm
Student Center West Lounge (W20-201)
"Calling" (part 3)
Speaker: Prof.
Daniel Hastings (MIT Aero/Astro and TPP)
10/25/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Praise Night & Social
November |
11/1/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"How to Talk to Absolutely Anybody (Even a Foreigner)"
Speaker: Mitali
Perkins (Newton Presbyterian Church)
11/8/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"How to Talk about Absolutely Anything (Even your Faith)"
Speaker: Mitali
Perkins (Newton Presbyterian Church)
11/15/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
International Potluck
11/22/02 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"The Wind Beneath My Wings"
Speaker: Ed Kopesky
11/29/02 |
No meeting -- Thanksgiving Holiday |
December |
12/6/02 |
7:30 pm
Student Center La Sala de Puerto Rico (W20-202)
"Religion in the Lord of the Rings"
Joint meeting with Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship
Speaker: Professor
Peter Kreeft (Boston College)
12/13/02 |
8 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Christmas Party
12/20/02 |
No meeting -- End of Fall 2002 Semester |
Here are our previous large group schedules:
And here are some transcripts of our
large group skits and some pictures of large group
To learn more about GCF, please e-mail:mit-gcf-info@mit.edu