The Singapore Student Society is a solely cultural club with the following purposes: to foster friendship among students interested in Singapore culture and to promote cultural exchange between Singapore students at MIT and students from other countries in Massachusetts.
Membership with equal voting rights is open to all MIT students. Associate membership with no voting rights is open to MIT alumni.
Officers and duties
There shall be six elected officers:
- President: To oversee the operation of the Society. He will bear the burden of advancing the goals of the Society. He will serve as the liaison between the Society and other organizations.
- Vice president: To assist and advise the president. He will take over the role of president when the president is unavailable.
- Treasurer: Manages any dues collected and other expenses. Responsible for budget submission every semester.
- Three executive committee members: To assist the president in the running of the Society. The executive committee is to decide among itself the exact division of labor.
All members of the club shall be allowed to call a meeting. The agenda will be decided on by the president at the time of the meeting. Decisions at the meetings will be carried forth by the Society when a simple majority is reached by the executive committee members for the decision to carry through. In case of a stalemated situation, the president is empowered to cast the deciding vote. When the situation is deemed appropriate, the executive committee can decide to open the voting to members.
Any executive committee member is required to attend at least 50 percent of the meetings during their term of office. The effectiveness of the executive committee member shall be brought into question in case he fails to meet such a requirement. Election of the Singapore Student Society shall be held at the end of the academic year. Quorum of 50 percent or ten members, whichever is larger, shall be necessary for an election meeting to take place.
Removal and/or replacement of officers
In the event that an officer should resign, the remaining elected officers will have the responsibility of completing the task of the "dismissed" officer. Furthermore, election of a replacement officer shall be held in the next meeting. Proceedings of this special meeting shall follow the example of an election meeting. If an officer, elected or appointed, does not accomplish his specified duties, he can and shall be removed from his office. But, a two-thirds majority vote of at least 50 percent of the Society membership at this meeting shall be necessary for the removal of the officer.
Constitutional amendments
Constitutional amendments require a quorum of 50 percent of the membership with a simple majority.
As a god clause
The Singapore Student Society agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Graduate Student Council, its executive committee and its activities committee. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the executive committee of the GSC.
Disclaimer of responsibility
The Singapore Student Society will take all precautions to ensure the safety of the Society's activities but will not be responsible for any injury sustained by the participants. The Society will not be responsible for an unauthorized action of its members.