Session 145

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 9 TE 6061

This afternoon the Hutarn!

In the morning, we have servants clean our clothes as we're meeting with the hutarn this evening.

Haeraan has a tailor to get new clothes for the seargent.

We get presented to the Hutarn. Haeraan asks the Hutarn for a letter of introduction so that we may roam the land. Then most of us are diverted to snacks while the Hutarn asks Haeraan for a private meeting. Seargent Thunderbrow "subtly" wander over to eavesdrop, but no one in the room is fooled. Now he has his own gaurds.

He's worried about rumors, but asks Haeraan to think about the possibility of preparing an evacuation for the royal family. Say if a fast ship were waiting around for that sort of thing in an emergency. Haeraan agrees to arrange something with Oathar. The Hutarn promises him his warrant and then we mingle.

After the party, we are mostly given the night off. Abby goes and has a date. The seargant and corporal are not really looking for anything exciting and so they go to sleep early. Haeraan ponders the coming days...

Orhan 5 Day 10 TE 6061

Back out into the wild.

Haeraan has the seargent set our marching order. Abby and Thorn scout out front and the rest fillow behind.

Orhan 5 Day 11 TE 6061

We encounter some refugee camps. There's numerous beggars. We donate to a couple and then are surrounded by them. Very pesky. We feel bad but press on. The seargant gets pickpocketed. He smacks his assailant only to find he's struck a small five year old girl. It's very sad so he orders Corporal Thorn to toss the girl a silver. He does and everyone is happy. (Except Thorn whose out a silver piece.)

We try and gather some intelligence from the refugees. These refugees have been displaced for several months to years at this point. This is a fairly permanent camp so nothing has happened near here for a while. Refugee services provided by the Hutarn is keeping everything together. We find some wounded and see how things are on the front lines.

Orhan 5 Day 12 TE 6061

Seargent Thunderbrow pulls his crossbow and fires at an evil crow that dropped a feather in his path. He reloads and fires again. Both miss. He declares himself cursed and starts picking up rocks. We encounter a loan scout. He runs.

We ride over the hill and get shot at. Sigh. We talk them down and then are introduced to the Lieutenant. (He's senior now that everyone else is dead.) He's impressed by our warrant. He briefs us on the current situation. His company was sent to secure this sector. He's what's left at the moment. They've withdrawn and are not really dealing with the enemy at the moment. He's pretty paranoid, and he thinks the enemy is everywhere.

They were trying to reclaim their garrison post and the senior lieutenant was hit, so they retreated. It was a stockade more than a fort and he expects it's still occupied by the enemy.

We decide it's time to give them back their stockade.

We spend a couple days buildng a ballista and prepare for a dawn attack.

Orhan 5 Day 14 TE 6061

Seargent Thunderbrow, Abby, Aynar, Haeraan and a small Nuyani sneak up to the fort. Thorn and more Nuyani open hostilities with the ballista. After about two minutes and a half, they knock the gate down. By now, both sentry posts are manned, and there's activity behind the gate.

Our melee group takes a fair bit of missile fire while charging the gate, but arrives mostly unscathed. By this time, the ballista contingent has closed to long bow range and starts suppression fire on the guard houses to cover the melee guys. Mass combat ensues.

We all acquit ourselves admirably. Abby manages to sneak up behind the guy Haeraan identifies as the fort commander.

As he's going down, he offers up his remaining blood to Klysus. The dawn sky darkens and a red beam pours down from Charon. He immediately explode. Then his guys explode and vaporize. Then, er..., our guys start to explode and vaporize. Well, almost. Lot's of heat crits are passed out, but it's not nearly as bad as it could have been after fate cards are expended left and right!

Once the smoke clears, (literally), we have taken the fort, as all remaining enemy were sacrificed to Klysus.

Unfortunately, Einar needs tendon repair, so we'll have to spend some recovery time with the Nuyani lay healer.

Orhan 5 Day 16 TE 6061

Level 3!