Session 244

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 43 TE 6064

We approach the valley and look in. It's filled with fog. Those who can see though fog can see a village and a castle and no gazebos.

We ride down into the well tended valley, passing apple orchards and then farms. People working in the fields wave at us when we ride by.

There are no Inns and churches in town. We try asking at the general store. The shopkeeper tells us all travelers are hosted by the lord for free. People have altars to the lord, but there aren't really temples to him. Nor to anyone else. Oathar tries to get Kyrik to distract the shopkeep while he investigates the altar.

Oathar determines that the altar was made locally by the lord, and in fact, channels primal flux to the lord like any regular altar should. Imre gets detail on the map, such as where the lord's private reserve is. Kyrik and Alynna jointly find out that there are herbal healers among the populace. Oathar finds they are pretty self-sufficient, although not so much with any luxuries. Oathar can't seem to interest them in any wines or jewelry. In fact they are actively resistant to the idea of luxuries (in an Amish-like way). About 300 people live in the valley. They have no local artists. They have corn and cotton, etc.

Well, we guess it's time to head up and see the Lord.

We head up to the castle. It's while and blue. It gleams. It's got a white stripe and a blue stripe. Haeraan is pretty convinced it's not really anything he's seen before. Wacky. The wooden drawbridge comes down by itself. We ride in. We are offered refreshments and a place to rest. stable hands take our horses. Kyrik's grifin gets sent off to the exercise yard.

The chamberlain guy appears to be a linaer. Walking down the hall, we pass numerous painting of elven heroes, etc. We head down to a nicely appointed sitting room to relax. Lot's of impoted luxuries here and in the garden unliek down in town. But we are served local cheese, crackers, and wine. The marble everywhere is from Rahkhan.

Eventually, the servant returns to tell us that the lord will see us. We head to the throne room. There's a giant elf on the throne. (An Eilar). Alynna thinks he's pretty cute. He's got a regal blue suit, and a few advisors are nearby. He welcomes us right in. We bow appropriately, and he's gives us the "welcome to our valley speech."

He invites us to stay a few days, flirts with Alynna and invites her to stay for longer. Then we get a tour of the castle. At the top of the castle, we walk around the upper wall from which we can see most of the valley below. He was an adventurer lifetimes ago. Now he's not. But he's got human sized venus flytraps and stranglekelp in his garden from his collecting days. He's kept this valley safe for hundreds of years now. It was a long time ago and tells us the story of how he got into the Lord business. In a lost dusty library he found a book and it changed him. He realized that fame and fortune was not the way, and by creating a place he may leave a legacy. He might give Oathar a copy of the book later.

He talks briefly to Oathar, and then starts flirting with Alynna again. He starts asking people questions. Kyrik told him about leavign Rahkhan. Imre tells him about being dark and light.

"Feel free to explore the castle, dinner is at six."

We are all lead to big bedrooms with big windows and the like. Running water, etc. After washing up in our rooms, we explore a bit.

Kyrik and I search for a library. Adjacent to the library is a big work room. There are a bunch of people copying books at desks. Yup, that's a scriptorium. A servant informs us that the monks have taken a vow of silence. They take a long time to make illuminated books, and occasionally trade with the outside.

In the library, one book leaps out at Oathar. Another for Kyrik. A final book for Imre. Imre freaks out, makes the other two put down their books, and hustles everyone out of the library.

Haeraan communes with Reanne, and come to the conclusion that the books are indeed the main source of candy, but the risk is somewhat managable. We decide on a plan to read the books a little bit and reevaluate. But a servent comes to get us before we can implement it.

It's time for dinner. Yum! The lord asks about current events, and we talk about that for a while. Oathar talks about trade. The lord is worried about border security so isn't thrilled with a regular caravan.

Oathar finds that the lord doesn't realy want to talk about his special book, but he does give us our own books to read. Presents!

The lord says that he and his retainers are originally from Pallia in the Kingdom of the Silver Dawn. (Which still exists.) His information about Pallia is 1000 years old.

Then we head back to our rooms and argue for hours about the reading of the books. Oathar reads chapter 7, Imre reads chapter 6, Haeraan reads chapter 3, Kyrik read 1. Oathar reads chapter 2 from Alynna's book. Kyrik reads chapter 8.

After Oathar reads some of Alynna's bok and then forswears it, he gets the idea that the danger is managable. So there is a small orgy of book reading and then people flee. Although Oathar does try to give the Lord 5,000 gold. And unfortunately succeeds.

Orhan 1 Day 44 TE 6064

He started by finding and reading the book entitled, "On becoming a god." But where he found it is all hazy in his memory.

We escape.