Session 341

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 41 TE 6065

"I, Salah, have emerged from the pit of Karkoon. Bask in my baskiness." We teleport away. In fact, we teleport to Karilon.

Orhan 4 Day 42 TE 6065

We start writing a report to the Loremasters. While writing it, we realize that the Loremasters are debating official policy on the Alliance. On the one hand, they are quite a powerful force for order, and unlike Ardania, they aren't definitivily attached to something evil. On the other hand, they seem to be surrounded by Dyar. The Navigators don't like them at all. But no one has been able to meet an actual leader of the Alliance. It's totally unclear who actually sits on the ruling council.

From our point of view, saving Salah was of course the right thing. Salah's friends stop by to thank us for saving him.

Orhan 4 Day 44 TE 6065

Salah shows up. He's trying to get them organized. If it looks too much like he's leading them, the Loremaster Council will recall him and keep him from going back. But he can work on it in an indirect manner. We give Salah ways to get in touch with us if things go bad.

We return to the villa where we find a message for Haeraan. It's from his "friends" in Kaitaine. "Situation serious. Future predictors are becoming unreliable."

Oathar stays home to get himself undeclared dead.

Haeraan and others go to his order sphere facility to figure out what's going on. Apparently, the Alliance and Kaitaine are fighting in the future seer timelines. The more they keep adjusting against each other's future strategies, both sides are having their future predictions become unreliable. Eventually, both sides will be shut out of the future predicting war.

There have been no official announcements, but they suspect Itanis might be agreeing to join the alliance.

We head out to Resenda, and picnic while waiting for Cornelia to show up. We ask her about Navigators and the Alliance. She thinks they kick Navigators out because they have compass technology. Until the Navigators can destroy the source of their compass manufacturing facility, they can't really move on them at all.

Cornelia says they don't have a standing army, but rely on their reputation and elite strike teams.

She says that when a country (such as Kaitaine) actually manages to resist their first assault, their second is always a massive overwhelming force, with hundreds of Kalcha riding hundreds of compasses into the area.

She agrees to send Oathar some texts on huge scale essense manipulation, but beyond that, there's not much more she can tell us.

Orhan 4 Day 45 TE 6065

Next day.

The Storm Wizard says he'll investigate the Alliance.

He also says that a simple Terawatt power generator will be sufficient to generate a forcefield strong enough to protect Kaitaine from compass attack.

Elsewhere, Imre considers how to approach Voorig Kye. He decides to offer the Dragonlord the Dagger of Dimensional Folding, since Oathar certainly doesn't want it anymore. He sends a message to the Dragonlord and 10 minutes later, Voorig's messenger shows up out of breath and says, he wants to talk to you now, now, now.

Imre, Alynna, and Haeraan head to talk to Voorig Kye in his mountainside lodge. Some elves bring drinks. "Good, I was wondering when you'd show up. We have much to discuss."

On a big table is a model of the Ahrentorg. "Doomsday approaches!"

"Give me the list of your forces available for this battle." There are lugraki all over the map. "We shall need more forces, as the battle will go poorly with what you have."

"We have a few resources we can draw on, but it will be difficult. I've convinced my brother to help. He and I will be available to bring down directed strikes during the battle. My sister does not care enough to interfere."

The model has more lugraki forces than we estimated. We'll probably have to use skyships to bring arches to the battlefields for the fight. The antiair weapons probably means that the skyships will be sacrificed. Even Voorig Kye and his brother will have trouble with the anti-air weapons. "We're not very nimble fliers."

The briefing is a little disappointing as we've not quite got enough guys. "Keep me up to date with any changes in your list of available resources. I suggest you start preparing your troops."

The briefing done, they are dismissed. Imre asks if they could discuss one more matter before we leave.

Voorig Kye sneers at the dagger. Imre spends some time trying to convince Voorig Kye that he cares. It turns out he doesn't.

"Yes, yes, those little fireflies know better than to bother me or my brethren."

Voorig Kye says to forget Kaitaine. Oh well. He then offers a dozen (e.g. Lys, Kuluku, Urlan, Cloudlords, Pirates, Dales) suggestions of people we've yet to contact and draft into our armies.

Haeraan has a dream about that firefly comment.

Orhan 4 Day 46 TE 6065

Haeraan's dream gives him teh 13 pillars with glowing orbs again. A dyar touches the orb and there's a flash.

Tortured enough, we go to Nomikos and research the Nomikos monalogues

"On the Thalan: They are the born forever ones." It goes on to talk about the creepy mentalists who hide in objects and impregnate people who touch the orbs with themselves.