Session 70

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 62 6055

We think about what we need for a trip to Zor. Haerann thinks a trip to Rhakann to find out what they know about Zor (since Frelik's guys were hanging out there) is in order. Kyrik wants info on the Storm Wizard, who made mystic warriors and maybe made a snow storm to shut down the Rhakann empire (or maybe that was the rebellion) for half a year. Some of Frelik's army melted away into Zor and haven't been heard of since. There's no info to be had in Sel-Kai on the Storm Wizard. Several options for information sources are considered. Maybe we can stop in at Griffin College...they might know something. Maybe that Loremaster we saved in Haalkitaine might be able to help. All that is deemed to be on the way to Zor, so maybe we should just set off. We decide to take our lead raincoats with us, as they are considered to be good against weird ancient flamelessly burning diseases. Oathar tries to pump Haerann and Kyrik about a horse-seller in Haalkitaine. He settles on an apprentice jeweler that Kyrik tells him about. Poor fool. We sail to Lethys.

Orhan 5 Day 5 We sight 2 pirate ships sailing the Swan flag! Get 'em! Wait, no, we pretend to be running first, to lull them into a false sense of security. We turn downwind and flee. The fools chase us. We increase speed to try and get them separated, but they seem to be catching up. Captain Oathar tells the four of us to be ready to board ship 1, and he and the crew will keep ship2 busy. We get to 500 feet and start teleporting over Tall guy, guy in light blue, and another guy, with six pirates around them. They try to puncture Haerann and Alynna with ballista bolts, but miss miserably. Imre succeeds in putting one of the mages to sleep after a second try, but then is mind-controlled by the big caster to kill his friends. There is much fighterly prowess demonstrated by Alynna, who distracts the two remaining mages with her throwy thing, Kyrik, who burns one guy up with his sword, and Haerann, who clonks guys left and right. Sadly, another trio of mages and six more bodyguards appear on deck. Haerann leaps over and flattens one of the mages right away. The guys surrounding the mages wail on H, but only manage to get him by attacking cowardly from behind. Then Alynna and Kyrik leap away from Imre to aid Haerann and start taking the mages' guards out. Haerann. Eventually, the remaining mages lose their stomach for combat and flee to the other boat. About 10 rounds later, we mop up with our new boat. Imre runs up Oathar's flag. We tie up our 10 prisoners and start looking about.

Box 1: boots, nice

Box 2: new metalworking tools

Box 3: carved wooden chest, containing an ivory statuette crafted by an Aldari over 100 years ago.

Box 4: foodstuffs

Box 5: foodstuffs

Box 6: weapons

The pirates tell us that their base is in Placidar, and they got this stuff off one of the two ships they took since they left port. Kyrik doesn't let us down, and tells us that Placidar is a land of thieves and pirates in U-Lyshak, run by a merchant Duke, an elf who apparently doesn't know better. There are reefs that protect the duke's city of Ghuul (sp).

Orhan 5 day 22 We arrive in Lethys! and turn our pirates over to the authorities.

Orhan 5 day 42 We arrive at Haerann's place. (Stenfield) to check on H's mother. The servants are dressed in new livery and there's a new carriage in the carriage house. They're happy to see H, which we deem to be trouble. We are advised to watch our backs. Imre isn't sure whether that means to sample the nice light wine they serve or not, "He" is doing a lot of shopping to woo two of some guy's daughters, and has been spending the family treasury at an alarming rate. Father has shown no backbone unfortunately, and the younger sister has been training as a priest, but isn't sure if she wants to enter the sisterhood of Eissa (yay!). Belaric is doing well, although mom hasn't heard to much of him lately. There's one thing you may want to look at. He's been meeting at an old abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of the land. Not sure if He's seeing some farm girl in secret, or doing something else. He seems to go once or twice a week. He last went about a week ago, so he's likely due. Haerann agrees to have a look, and mom asks him to be careful. Oathar, Imre, and Alynna go off to check out the place, while Haerann and Kyrik keep Him busy. Kyrik is amused by the technical noble, and Haerann tries to figure out just how frosty he can be without giving offense. H tries to draw Him out on his exploits. He mentions both young daughters, good-looking farm wenches, AND how a countess or marquess would be better. Treachery! the trio finds a hidden trap door in a back room that leads to a root cellar that contains crates of Oathar's silk! (Oathar's silk shipment was taken by pirates earlier, and here it is now). It seems unlikely that we can pin anything on Him directly, and H has no legal standing to challenge him, so it's mostly about repossessing our stuff. Oathar goes out to watch the barn, and we post watches to make sure He doesn't go out there and take the stuff back.

Orhan 5, Day 43 H talks to his mom. She thinks that piratical contacts would explain how he's getting the funds. She thinks that he should tell dad, but H thinks that dad will either do nothing, or be on His side, so maybe that wont bethe thing to do. At least we can hurt Him by taking the stuff back, hopefully. Since we dont have D anymore, we just get the stuff. we spend a day Leaving-Trueing our crates from H's place to Kyrik's. Oathar and H run themselves out of spell points, and Imre makes a small cave to keep the crates in and puts an illusion over the mouth. We have dinner at Kyrik's place. K's brother wants very badly not to be Baron: "Is the Changramai seeing anyone now?" "You don't want to live to inherit, do you?" "Well, no..." "Do you know how boring it is? How mind-numbingly boring?" "Wow, it must be cool to be a pirate..." Oathar goes out to charge his bird. He's been made grumpy by all this talk of pirates and needs to work off some steam.

Orhan 5, Day 44 Kyrik arranges for a cart to carry our stuff to Haalkitaine. and we go.

Orhan 5, day 64 We arrive in Haalkitaine with our stuff.
