Session 90

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1Day 40 TE 6058 FF

We dev in Karalon. Alynna and Imre have some folks here examine a few yards of our strange Earthen cloth. theyll get back to us. Imre investigates Loremaster politics, and briefs us all. Kyrik writes a book about Terrania that is heavily censored by the Loremasters.

We get news. Some volcanoes erupted in the spine of Emir. Then an army of Merlogi and Lugroki came pouring out of the mountains and sacked the capital of Lankonok. We assume they grabbed something and took it back into the mountains. Oh dear.At least it stalls out the war for a while.

There are reports from Jaiman that the Lugraki of Zor are searching for their messiah. Sigh, I hate those guys. They supposed to get lead to their promised land to the south. (Halkataine)

Orhan 2 Day 40 TE 6058 FF

We hang out in Selkai. Haeraan, Oathar, and Imre propose that we form our secret army in Santa Vallandra. We discuss the various dangers of the situation, but eventually decide to proceed.

We essentially commute to Santa Vallandra during the days, while maintaining a public distracting presense in Selkai.

Alynna takes an out of town Changramai mission for futher obfuscation. She escorts a member of House Sentoris around. Then she escorts a pair of valuable slaves of House Gugulan around. They seem to be important slaves, but aren't treated very well. Alynna is pretty grumpy about it as one of the slaves is an elf, but she takes the job. The slaves are escorted to Lankonok. Hmnm.. Probably valuable as sacrifices.

Imre has another printing of his book. Oathar funds some more of those alchemist students (Harry and Sally).

Imre checks on his possible apprentice in Santa Vallandra. There's some difficulties there as the kid is a bit disturbed. (He had that demon familiar when he was young.) Imre works on him for a while. They interrupt a robbery. Well, they see a robery.

Kyrik, Haeraan, and Oathar spend a lot of time working on the new army.

Orhan 4 Day 10 TE 6058

Arisia announces she is pregnant. Baby is due Orhan 3 Day 30 TE 6059.

Orhan 4 Day 40 TE 6058

We sail back to Terrania to recover the evil skull of Radek.

Orhan 4 Day 65 TE 6058

We arrive at the lost continent without incident. We start travelling towards where we think the box is.

Orhan 5 Day 05 TE 6058

We arrive at the expected location and can't find it. It's not there, and we can't find it magically, so we start spiraling out in a search pattern. Oathar trips over something. Alynna finds it. Woo!

The outer boxed are pressure crushed. Imre carefully opens it to see if the inner containment has held. The inner box lid appears to be askew. Seeing the box is askew, Haeraan takes over and readjusts it carefully. Unfortunately, Monko gets possessed, so Alynna leaps upon him and the demon moves to Tradewind who attacks Oathar, so Imre sleeps him. Then whatever it is jumps to our packhorse so we have to sleep him.

After that excitement, Kyrik gives it a try. The posts clearly need adjusting. Unfortunately, he fumbles it, and the four Kregora posts fall to the side. "YES!" says an evil voice. Suddenly a gorgeous androgenous human genii like thing is standing there. "Love me!"

Many fate points later, we resist. It is angered, grows to 8 feet tall and has huge glowing black skin and ebony horns and claws with glowing red eyes. Tragic though it is, we attack.

It's a horrible fight. At one point, Kyrik is bleeding 42 a round, Alynna (in love with the demon) does two death crits to Kyrik. Oh it's gruesome. Gruesome I say.

Finally we take the fool thing down. Imre does a ritual to stuff it back in the skull, we repair the box, put the Kregora back in and seal it all up.

Orhan 5 Day 14 TE 6058

One day from the boat, a huge Essense flow storm shows up. Oh dear. We look for what cover we can and prepare to wait it out. Imre takes charge of the box. The winds pick up and the roiling mana approaches. The ground heaves, etc. Lightning strikes. Well, pretty much, it strikes us. Essense users gain powerpoints while taking damage.

Then an essence tornado comes. Oh dear. As it approaches, Imre gets a hint of spatial awareness indicating that its not a tornado, it's a spatial rift. Imre finds from destiny sense that he shouldn't throw the box into the rift, so we keep running and eventually get sucked into the rift. Sigh.

We land on the ground in Terrania. Everything looks about right. Strange.

We head back to the ship. That night, Haeraan tries for a dream and gets nothing.

Orhan 5 Day 15 TE 6058

The next day, we arrive at the ship. It has a black flag with a white raven on it. Hrmmm... That's bad. The sailors are wearing grey pants with white shirts... Oh dear.

