Uses of Interface

Packages that use SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator Generic i/o code for use when reading and writing data to the network, to databases, and to files. 

Uses of SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator in

Methods in that return SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator
 SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator SequenceFile.Sorter.merge(List<SequenceFile.Sorter.SegmentDescriptor> segments, Path tmpDir)
          Merges the list of segments of type SegmentDescriptor
 SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator SequenceFile.Sorter.merge(Path[] inNames, boolean deleteInputs, int factor, Path tmpDir)
          Merges the contents of files passed in Path[]
 SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator SequenceFile.Sorter.merge(Path[] inNames, boolean deleteInputs, Path tmpDir)
          Merges the contents of files passed in Path[] using a max factor value that is already set
 SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator SequenceFile.Sorter.merge(Path[] inNames, Path tempDir, boolean deleteInputs)
          Merges the contents of files passed in Path[]
 SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator SequenceFile.Sorter.sortAndIterate(Path[] inFiles, Path tempDir, boolean deleteInput)
          Perform a file sort from a set of input files and return an iterator.

Methods in with parameters of type SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator
 void SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile(SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator records, SequenceFile.Writer writer)
          Writes records from RawKeyValueIterator into a file represented by the passed writer

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