Materials Research Society
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT > DMSE > MRS > Seminars

::Lunch N Lecture Seminar Series::

The Lunch N Lecture seminar series is designed to educate students about research that is being done on campus and connect students with professors. If there is a professor engaged in materials-based research that you would like to hear speak, please contact the MRS Officers and we will do our best to set it up.

The Spring 2011 Seminar Series:


Flow-Driven Conformational Changes in Soft-Materials

Prof Alexander-Katz

Speaker: Prof. Alfredo Alexander-Katz
Merton C. Flemings Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Date: Wednesday, February 28th, 2011
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm (pizza and refreshments will be served at 11:40am )

Location: The Chipman Room (6-104)

Many processes in nature depend crucially on the interplay of fluid flows and their interactions with soft-materials. In some instances, for example, our body uses mechanically responsive macromolecules that sense particular conditions and respond appropriately, many times by altering their conformations. On the other hand, many important transport mechanisms within out body depend on active soft appendices that can create flows or molecular motors that change their conformations to transport cargo within the cell. In this talk we will present our work on two systems that correspond to each of these cases. In particular, we will consider the problem of blood clotting at elevated flowing conditions where the conformational dynamics of a large biopolymer plays a crucial role during the clotting cascade. Furthermore, we will show what are the determining properties that enable the plugging process to occur. On the other side, we will present our work on driving flows through conformational changes in self-assembled magnetic bead chains. These active chains behave as microscopic walkers that induce controlled flows at the microscale and mimic the motion of molecular motors. To finalize we will present a perspective on the future of both of these intimately related topics and their technological relevance in fields ranging from drug-delivery to virtual microfluidics.




Title TBA

Prof. Van Vliet

Speaker: Prof. Krystyn Van Vliet
Paul M. Cook Career Development Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Date: Wednesday, March 16th, 2011
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm (pizza and refreshments will be served at 11:40am )

Location: The Chipman Room (6-104)



Archives for previous Lunch N Lectures can be found here.

Please send any problems or questions to the webmaster (nchocat[at]
Last updated 10/18/10