The House Beautiful/AIA Climate Control Project
The following is a comparison of the content and intent of these two connected but separate publications.
House Beautiful Articles | AIA Bulletin |
introductory articles/engaging cartoon imagery | limited explanatory text, use of articles; no illustrations |
intended to breed a sense of responsibility | effort to establish legitimacy of architect as professional |
glamour architectural photography/renderings of featured homes and interiors | maps, charts (of mean temperatures, solar information, precipitation, wind directiion, humidity) |
multi-purpose applicibility of ideas | design guidelines for site planning, interior planning, roof, foundation, mechanical and openings |
applicibility of ideas on a number of economic levels | guidelines for new construction |
the association of 'designing with climate' with an American architectural identity | project is not about establishing an aesthetic |
association of climate with naturalistic cooking/decor | |
a sense of urgency: creation of new houses is countered by an attitude that any house can be climatized and modernized | a sense of urgency: the creation of new climate-responsible houses, the problem of rapidly-built, shoddily-built developer housing |