What is Metamedia?
Problems and solutions Policy Entrepreneurs

Joining the streams


'Advocates lie in wait in and around the government with their solutions at hand, waiting for problems to float by to which they can attach their solutions, waiting for a development in the political stream they can use to their advantage.. Policy entrepreneurs must be prepared, their pet proposal at the ready, their special problem well documented, lest the opportunity pass them by.'

John Kindgon in Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies



Joining the policy streams as strategic advocacy

If this model describes the role non-profits and citizen groups have played in Urban Wilds advocacy, can it be applied as a more intentional strategy in the future to increase the rate of at which Urban Wilds are protected from development?


Please see for an analysis of situations in which Urban Wilds preservation has been paired with a policy problem faced by a Boston community or organization and an assessment of how this relationship between solutions and problems might be used for more strategic advocacy in the future.