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Microsoft Research iCampus Technology Innovation Student Prize Application


Information technology offers widespread opportunities for education, both globally and across the life of learners. The Microsoft Research iCampus Technology Innovation Student Prize seeks to recognize and inspire technology innovation in improving living and learning in the 21st century among the MIT community.

Educational impact

The student prize is awarded annually to an MIT student or student group who has created or improved a product or process, applied a technology in a new way, redesigned a system or in other ways demonstrated value to learning and community at MIT.

How were project goals accomplished

The project must be accompanied by a project description that includes the milestones and the deliverables achieved.  Key members of the project team should briefly describe their backgrounds and experiences that led them to develop the project for which the award is sought.

Eligibility Requirements

All MIT currently enrolled undergraduate students and graduate students are eligible to apply for this prize regardless of major.

Dissemination and Adoption

MRiTIS Prizes are for projects with results that have been or can be broadly disseminated without restriction, in the tradition of open academic research. In Prize applications consideration, we will be mindful of potential obstacles for further development or dissemination that might arise from confidentiality requirements or from copyrights or patents.

Prize Application & Nominations

Interested students may apply or be nominated for the MRiTIS Prize by sending an email with the above requiremements to the link "send in your prize application".  You should describe the project, its motivation, impact, and the technology innovation(s) that underlie the work. The backgrounds and experiences of the development team should be appropriately documented. Once your application is submitted, a distinguished panel of MIT alumni, including scientist, technologists, engineers and entrepreneurs select the winners. This prize is part of special endowment gift from Microsoft on behalf of iCampus, an research collaboration between MIT and Microsoft Research with the goal of enhancing university education through information technology.


Nominations will be accepted until midnight May 5th, 2008.  


The entire application should be no longer than 3 pages. Supplementary images, movie clips and references to web, multimedia, or published materials that are either further descriptions of our outcomes from the project are welcomed by way of appendices. Mail to prize application email address (listed under "send in your prize application" to the right) if the combined documentation is less that 10 MB in size. If the supplemental materials exceeds 10MB, either compress the set into a ZIP file to get them down to that limit, or, if that is insufficient put it in a publicly accessible location, such as your Athena Locker /Public directory and send the three page primary Prize Application to the MiTS Prize email address clearly indicating the URL for the location of the supplemental materials so we can download them to complete your application packet. Make sure you clearly indicate if there are supplemental materials that we should receive in the body of the primary application.

Office of Educational Innovation and Technology
Building NE48, Cambridge, MA 02139-4044
Phone: (617) 252-1981; Fax: (617) 452-4044