On May 4th, the Math CI team led a presentation and discussion on the math department's CI Space, a collaboritve website for instructors in mathematics communications intensive courses at MIT.
Designed as a digital resource for instructors, the Math CI website supports an evolving knowledge base of best practices in communications courses, and provides continuity from year to year. It thus becomes an online space for instructors to collaborate, learn, reflect, network and communicate.
The team responible for creating the Match CI space included stakeholders from several domains. Prof Haynes Miller and Dr Mia Minnes represented the pure mathematics domain. Ms Susan Ruff, from Writing Across the Curriculum, offered expertise in the communications area, and Dr Violeta Ivanova from OEIT provided technical expertise in the design and coding of the site, and was later assisted by Michael Erlewine.
The team shared their experiences and reflections gleaned from the creation and deployment process, as well as offered concrete suggestions for ways to extend the site to other disciplines in need of a shared resource for Communications Intensive subjects.