The NB project has created an online collaborative annotation tool for PDF documents which was recently awarded a d’Arbeloff grant. The grant will allow NB to collaborate with OEIT in order to help NB move to broader deployment. NB has been an integral part of MIT classes since February 2009 and as a result of two major development cycles, the current version is now ready for wider use at MIT.
OEIT will host the application to ensure the NB pilot is a dependable and well supported service. Through hosting, OEIT will document the installation and maintenance procedures, paving the way for supporting ND on a more formal basis at MIT. In the course of working with NB, the OEIT team will analyze performance and resource usage to ensure its ability to scale to greater use across the Institute.
As part of OEIT’s Linking Content and Curriculum program, OEIT will also engage in outreach to help expand the number of classes using the NB pilot. NB is a perfect partner project for OEIT because it explores new and innovative ways of harvesting, re-using, and collaborating around curricular content.
NB can be found at The site contains a variety of information about the annotation tools, as well as a video tutorial, and a “sandbox” to try it out. Take a spin!