Top Reasons to Propose a NERCOMP Workshop
NERCOMP focuses on connecting, learning and growing – all through the interactions and volunteer efforts of our members – like you!
We know that with the ever evolving landscape of technology and higher education, proposals or ideas for presentations can pop up at any time, not just in May. Therefore, we have left a few dates open for later submissions of proposals for spring NERCOMP one-day workshops. We currently have space available for one-day workshops on April 10, 2014 at Norwood, MA, June 5, 2014 at Norwood, MA, June 6, 2014 at Norwood, MA, and June 16, 2014 at UMASS Amherst.
Here are the top reasons YOU should submit a proposal now:
- Share your expertise: Take the time to share your knowledge and expertise with the NERCOMP community
- Arm yourself with knowledge: Learn more about a topic of interest by preparing for your workshop
- Build a network: Meet and network with other NERCOMP members who are interested and/or have knowledge in your topic
- Add to your income: Earn a small honorarium for sharing your time and expertise by leading a session
- Leverage your NERCOMP membership: As a workshop leader you get the benefits of networking with other NERCOMP members, have an opportunity to enhance your presentation/teaching skills and also to learn from participants who attend your session. You may even team up with other NERCOMP schools to plan the content for your session – making it all the more rich and engaging!
- It’s Fun and Rewarding!
Don’t delay, submit a proposal TODAY! All you have to do is:
- Pick the topic
- Submit a proposal by going to the NERCOMP website, log in and link to the Prof Dev Zone (on the Member Navigation bar.)
- Complete the Submit a Proposal form (indicate your preferred date of either April 10, 2014; June 5, 2014; June 6, 2014; or June 16, 2014) by Friday, January 31, 2014.
If you have any questions, please send them to