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C Varenhorst

LASI-Local event July 3rd

June 9, 2013

Of possible interest, via the Harvard Ed School Technology in Education (HGSE-TIE) mailing list:

My name is Garron Hillaire (Ed. M. TIE ’11) and I am excited to tell you about the LASI-Local event on July 3rd from 9 am to 4:30 pm that is part of a globally networked event.  A small group has been meeting to organize this event here and I hope we get a good TIE showing.

Joe Blatt was kind enough to let us use space at Larsen 203 for the event and Chris Dede has agreed to come and talk.

You can register for this event at and look for future events on the topic at the same place.  We meet to discuss learning analytics about every 2 months.If your work is related to this field and you would be interested in presenting to the Learning Analytics Boston group please let me know!

(FYI, Joe Blatt runs the Technology in Education program at HGSE. Chris Dede is senior faculty)

Office of Educational Innovation and Technology
Building NE48-308, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Phone: (617) 252-1981; Fax: (617) 452-4044