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21. Index To All The Configuration and Printcap Options

ab                             always print banner, ignore lpr -h option
achk                           query accounting server when connected
ae                             accounting at end (see also af, la, ar, as)
af                             name of accounting file (see also la, ar)
ah                             automatically hold all jobs
allow_duplicate_args           Allow duplicate command line arguments (legacy requirement)
allow_getenv                   Allow use of LPD_CONF
allow_user_logging             allow users to request logging info using lpr -mhost%port
ar                             enable remote transfer accounting (if af is set)
as                             accounting at start (see also af, la, ar)
use_auth                       authentication type to use
auth_client_filter             client to server authentication transfer program
auth_forward                   server to server authentication method
auth_forward_filter            server to server authentication transfer program
auth_receive_filter            server receive authentication program
auth_server_id                 server id for authentication
be                             Banner at End Generation Program
bk                             Berkeley LPD job file format
bk_filter_options              Berkeley LPD filter options
bk_of_filter_options           Berkeley LPD OF filter options
bkf                            backwards-compatible filters: use simple paramters
bl                             short banner line sent to banner printer
bp                             Banner Generation Program (see bs, be)
bq                             Use filters on bounce queue jobs
bq_format                      Format of bounce queue output
br                             Serial port bit rate (see ty)
bs                             Banner at Start Generation Program
cd                             control directory
check_for_nonprintable         LPR checks for nonprintable file
check_idle                     program used to check for idle printer
class_in_status                Show job class name in lpq status information
cm                             comment identifying printer (LPQ)
config_file                    configuration file
connect_grace                  connection control for remote printers
connect_interval               connection control for remote printers
connect_timeout                connection control for remote printers
connect_try                    connection control for remote printers
control_filter                 control file filter
db                             debug options for queue
default_format                 default job format
default_permission             default permission for files
default_printer                default printer
default_printer_when_unknown   used by LPD when printer name not in printcap
default_priority               default job priority
default_remote_host            default remote host
default_tmp_dir                default directory for temp files
destinations                   printers that a route filter may return and we should query
ff                             string to send for a form feed
filter_ld_path                 filter LD_LIBRARY_PATH value
filter_options                 filter options
filter_path                    filter PATH environment variable
fo                             send form feed when device is opened
force_fqdn_hostname            force FQDN HOST value in control file
force_localhost                force clients to send all requests to localhost
force_queuename                force use of this queuename if none provided
fq                             send form feed when device is closed
full_time                      use extended time format
group                          Effective Group ID (EGID) for SUID ROOT programs
hl                             Header (banner) last, at end of job
ignore_requested_user_priority Ignore requested user priority
if                             default (f, l) filter program
ipv6                           using IPV6 conventions
kerberos_keytab                kerberos keytab file location
kerberos_life                  kerberos key lifetime
kerberos_renew                 kerberos key renewal time
kerberos_forward_principal     kerberos remote principle name for forwarding
kerberos_server_principal      kerberos remote server principle name
kerberos_service               kerberos default service
la                             enable local printer accounting (if af is set)
ld                             leader string sent on printer open
lf                             error log file for spool queue
lk                             lock the IO device
lockfile                       lpd lock file
logger_destination             destination for logging information
logger_timeout                 intervals between connection attempts
logger_pathname                temp file for log information
logger_max_size                max size in Kbytes of temp file for log information
longnumber                     use long job number when a job is submitted
lp                             printer device name or specification
lpd_bounce                     force lpd to filter job before forwarding
lpd_force_poll                 force lpd to poll idle printers
lpd_poll_time                  interval between lpd printer polls
lpd_port                       lpd listening port
lpd_printcap_path              lpd printcap path
lpr_bounce                     lpr does filtering as in bounce queue
lpr_bsd                        lpr does filtering as in bounce queue
mail_from                      mail user from user name
mail_operator_on_error         mail to this operator on error
max_connect_interval           maximum time between connection attempts
max_log_file_size              maximum size (in K) of spool queue log file
max_servers_active             maximum number of lpd queue servers that can be active
max_status_line                maximum length of status line
max_status_size                maximum size (in K) of status file
mc                             maximum copies allowed
min_log_file_size              minimum size (in K) of spool queue log file
min_status_size                minimum size to reduce status file to
minfree                        minimum amount of free space needed
ml                             minimum number of printable characters for printable check
ms_time_resolution             millisecond time resolution
mx                             maximum job size (1Kb blocks, 0 = unlimited)
nb                             use nonblocking device open
network_connect_grace          pause between transferring jobs to remote printer
of                             banner output filter
of_filter_options              OF filter options
originate_port                 originate connections from these ports
pass_env                       clients pass these environment variables to filters
perms_path                     lpd.perms files
pl                             page length (in lines)
pr                             pr program for p format
printcap_path                  /etc/printcap files
ps                             printer status file name
pw                             page width (in characters)
px                             page width in pixels (horizontal)
py                             page length in pixels (vertical)
qq                             put queue name in control file
remote_support                 operations allowed to remote host
report_server_as               server name for status reports
retry_econnrefused             Retry on connect ECONNREFUSED errors
retry_nolink                   Retry device open or connect failures
return_short_status            return short lpq status when request arrives from specified host
reuse_addr                     set SO_REUSEADDR on outgoing ports
reverse_lpq_format             reverse lpq format when request arrives from specified host
rg                             clients allow only users in this group access to printer
rm                             remote machine (hostname) (with rp)
router                         routing filter, returns destinations
rp                             remote printer name (with rm)
rw                             open printer for reading and writing
safe_chars                     additional safe characters in control file lines
save_on_error                  save job when an error
save_when_done                 save job when done
sb                             short banner (one line only)
sd                             spool directory pathname
send_block_format              send block of data, rather than individual files
send_data_first                send data files first in job transfer
send_failure_action            failure action to take after send_try attempts failed
send_job_rw_timeout            print job read/write timeout
send_query_rw_timeout          status query operation read/write timeout
send_try                       maximum number of times to try sending job
sendmail                       sendmail program
server_tmp_dir                 server temporary file directory
sf                             suppress form feeds separating data files in job
sh                             suppress header (banner) pages
short_status_length            short lpq status length in lines
socket_linger                  set the SO_LINGER socket option
spool_dir_perms                spool directory permissions
spool_file_perms               spool file permissions
spread_jobs                    amount to spread jobs to avoid collisions
ss                             name of queue that server serves (with sv)
stalled_time                   time after which to report active job stalled
stop_on_abort                  stop processing queue on filter abort
stty                           stty commands to set output line characteristictics
sv                             names of servers for queue (with ss)
syslog_device                  name of syslog device
tr                             trailer string to send before closing printer
translate_format               translate data format in control file
use_date                       force date in control file
use_identifier                 force identifier in control file
use_info_cache                 read and cache information
use_queuename                  put queue name in control file (alias for qq)
use_shorthost                  Use short hostname for lpr control and data file names
user                           Effective User ID (EUID) for SUID ROOT programs

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