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Up: Specific Requirements
Previous: General Requirements and Principles
The Hephaestus User Document will explain the purpose of a requirements
The Hephaestus User Document will give a detailed set of instructions for
the requirements phase of a development project. These instructions
will include steps to ensure that requirements documents are
- complete
- The document should contain all requirements,
including all requirements in customers' heads.
- consistent
- Filling one requirement should not make it
infeasible to fill any other requirement.
- implementable
- Requirements should not depend on breakthroughs
in Computer Science or Artificial Intelligence.
- understandable
- The requirements document should be
understandable to its audience, e.g. customers should be able to
recognize and understand their own requirements.
- necessary
- No requirement should be useless.
The Hephaestus Document will give a template for requirements documents,
and include pointers to examples.
Biciunas, Delgado, Fields, Lewis