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Here is a list of recent articles of interest.

Kay, R., Lee, M. (2007) Factors in Industrial Production. Harvard Business Review. 223: 25-32.

Wilcox, C., Davidoff, L., Peterson, R. (2007) Smart Production in Today's Plants. Modern Manufacturing. 237: 112-123

Kay, R., Simmons, L., Jennings, W.T., Henderson, K. (2007) Effective Training of Plant Floor Managers. Sloan Management Review. 146: 56-71

Schuster, E.W., S.J. Allen, D.L. Brock, P. Kar 2007.  "The Future of Connective Technology: Greater Integration Through Semantic Modeling," Cutter Business Intelligence Report 5:1.

Schuster, E.W., C. Unahabhokha, and S.J. Allen 2007.  "Master Production Schedule Stability Under Conditions of Finite Capacity," under review, the 2005 Logistics Educators' Conference.

Hardt, D.E., "Modeling and Control of Manufacturing Processes: Getting More Involved", ASME J. of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 115, June. 2007, pp 291-300

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