Reception at 6:00pm / Dinner at 6:45pm

The Pappalardo Community Room
The Green Center for Physics
MIT Building 4, 3rd floor overlooking Killian Court

Reservation Deadline
October 13, 2009


Please print the email confirmation of your dinner reservation and
send it with your payment.

Please make checks payable to:
"Massachusetts Institute of Technology"

Mail to:
Mehran Kardar
Department of Physics, 6C-315
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139



Your Full Name

Guest's Full Name

Your E-Mail Address

Daytime Phone #:

Please select the appropriate response for your attendance:

$50.00 Dinner ticket (in advance)
$55.00 Dinner ticket (at the door)

Please enter any medical/dietary restrictions:





Condensed Matter Theory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building 6C
Cambridge, MA 02139