Using Simulations to Teach Negotiation:
Pedagogical Theory and Practice
Article written by Lawrence E. Susskind and Jason Corburn for the Hewlett Conference at the MIT-Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation.
(Herz, Dietmar & Andreas Blatte, eds. Eine Bestandsaufnahme der internationalen Disk ussion, Munster: Lit Verlag, 2000.)
Open the document in PDF format. (3.94MB - may take a long time to download)
Negotiation Pedagogy Video Series, Part Two
An unscripted video showing an experienced negotiation professor teaching an executive education session through the running and debriefing of the "Teflex Products" role simulation
PON Clearinghouse-- more details and ordering information
Teaching Negotiation in the Organization
How can you teach executives and managers in your company to be more successful negotiators?
A Three-Day Program for Senior Management in Cambridge, Massachusetts